Hi Everyone,
I will be starting SF-722 shortly and I had an idea:
I noticed that the brand is Thorne, which is a brand I have taken before when I was seeing a naturopath in my home city (London Ontario Canada)
So, I figured I could order it from the health store I buy my natren probiotics from and avoid those nasty shipping charges. The health store told me that only practitioners can get that product.
The store manager suggested I have Matia call/contact a local naturopath/TCM practitioner and see if based on the fact that a qualified practitioner was prescribing the supplement (Matia), that maybe the local practitioner would then be willing to sell it to me (in my case, someone in London).
Has anyone tried this before? Does it seem like a good idea? Do you think Matia would go for it?
I order my bottles of SF722 over the internet. I got my bottle from I-Herb. You should be able to find it.
I buy sf722 off Iherb the
I buy sf722 off Iherb the shipping is much cheeper there and$23.85 a bottle on iherb. Matia charges 24. so they are about the same price When I paid shipping even my 2 day express was only 12.
I herb
I get mine from too and its the cheapest there. My naturalpath that I know charges almost double what I herb sells it for.
I haven't checked lately, but amazon also carried it...
I hate ordeing herbs from
I hate ordeing herbs from AMAZON because unless you choose some sort of express shipping it takes a long time everytime I have done this I end up regreting it.
If you are in Canada you may not be able to get that up here. I live in Canada and it was not available. Matia gave me the name of another company to get similar product. I don't have it with me right now but will look at it when I get home or you could email Matia for the info. The company is in BC.
Thanks everyone
Thanks for all your advice. I didn't know about iherb. I used that website to order the SF. Hopefully there won't be a problem with it crossing the border.
Kriste, Matia did mention a Canadian alternative, but she couldn't remember the name of it at the time. In the end, she asked me to just get the Thorne SF from her because she wanted to stick with this product. But, if you wouldn't mind finding the name of the alternative, I'd still be really interested to know -- my husband might be taking this too, and if it's cheaper we might order it for him.
Who knew you could order herbs on amazon!? Crazy.
Thanks again everyone.
Canadian alternative
It is called Myco Plex and it is distibuted by Selekta. You can Google it. I ordered directly from them. I try not to order from US anymore because of the cost for shipping, duty and also exchange. It really adds up. Matia is the one who suggested this alternative.