Many people in the beginning stages of treatment cannot tolerate starches and or grains.
While many consume them with no problems at all, many can not handle them.
The reason I bring this up is because if you are consuming a starch that does not sit well
with your body it may really be affecting you. Say you are eating yeast free sugar free
bread. It may not be the bread that is bothering you, but rather the grain that it is made from.
For example rye is a pain causer-hands down, while rice is usually more gentle. But, sometimes rice
can be a problem in one form vs another. SOmetimes people can tolerate it in bread
form rather than whole grain form.
These are important things to think of when eating so that you can track your reactions
and keep foods out that may be bothering you until they no longer do.
The big reason why I brought this up today is because a patient who is not IC drank
a coffee substitute today and those items are rich in rye. She did not feel well.
Something so simple can make you feel so lousy! So, pay attention to your foods.
What you are eating may be eating you!
matia do u mean if it bothers
matia do u mean if it bothers our bladder? i can eat rice and potatoes but they make me bloated i think
Good Question! It is "OK" if
Good Question! It is "OK" if it is not bothering your bladder, but if it is bloating you, then you are not digesting it well, I would eat a very little amount or try switching starches.OR switch the process of the starch you are eating.