Digest Aids

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I have been doing a lot of reading about a gut in distress.  I know that is what Matia bases her healing from.  Anyway, I have been reading that a problem gut has a hard time breaking down large proteins (eggs, meat)  

A lot of sites suggest digest aids.

Does anyone know why Matia does not use these?


icnot4me's picture

I don't know; I have been concerned at times b/c I suffer with constipation and I know meats are hard to digest.  All the breads, etc, I used to eat seemed to be even harder for me to pass though.  I stopped eating all dairy recently and it seems like my stomach feels some better and there is less reflux

jlopatka's picture

From what I can tell... digest aids are a no no because ultimately, our bodies are not funcitoning well on their own... If we give a crutch, then they will never learn to work on its own... Perhaps cut down on the meat and go more slowly with it.

janejones's picture

Maybe they could be useful on a short-term basis, sort of a transitional thing which the body would no longer need when the gut is healed. Along the same lines I found magnesium really helped my constipation when it was at its worst and now I don't need it all.