IF people missed this, it is a great post/response about pregnancy on my pregnancy blog post:
I am currently pregnant with my second child and wanted to write in and share some of
my experience. I have been symptom free from my IC for almost six years now.
While pregnant I did feel the "normal" pregnancy bladder pressure but that was all!!!
I lead a very sugar-free life with the occasional agave sweetened treat. I know that
during pregnancy it is extremely hard to curb the cravings and it feels like a time where
it is okay to indulge. The thing that really prevented me from indulging in my sweet
cravings was reminding myself that whatever I eat my baby also eats. Did I want her
having sugar? Did I want to put her body in a state of imbalance like mine had been
years? The answer was easy..NO.
I too did not take prenatal vitamins and instead ate and have been eating an extremely
healthy diet. While I have been IC free for many years now I still consulted with Matia
during my pregnancy. She helped me to keep my body in balance with things like
probiotics, juice plus, etc. In addition I consulted with her postpartum to avoid pain
medication and colace to get my body back in shape. I tore very badly during delivery and I made a mix of herbs that helped my body recover from the experience.
I too had a catheter during delivery but asked that they remove it during the pushing phase in hopes of avoiding irritation. This time I intend to not use it at all.
For those of you that are still in treatment. Please do not let the idea of pregnancy scare you. I assure it is possible to have a safe and easy pregnancy and delivery without the resurgence of IC symptoms. The secret is really taking the knowledge that you learn in treatment and continuing to apply it to the rest of your life afterwards. I had a vaginal delivery with both pitocin and an epidural and was able to breastfeed for 2 and a half years. For me the avoidance of sugar has been a key component in keeping my body IC free. It becomes even easier to do so after having children since every thing I eat teaches my son about healthy eating habits. There are a lot of discomforts during pregnancy but IC does not have to be one of them!!
Thank you for this! I am so scared of getting pregnant and something "going wrong" because of the IC and everything that comes with it. I feel like I couldn't ever forgive myself if something bad happened. This gives me hope!
Matia I can't tell you how
Matia I can't tell you how valuable this and your other pregnancy/IC post are... esp hearing from former patients themselves and in detail goes a long way in taking the fear out of it and giving some of us comfort and hope that (a) there's a chance to still have a baby at all, and (b) that it shouldn't derail our health once we're well.
Remember that when you take a
Remember that when you take a cranberry extract pill, you need to drink a lot of water with it. You're basically cleaning out your bladder with this cranberry solution.