In my dissertation I discuss the importance of the ovaries to the health of women and how
removing the ovaries may negatively impact and inter-relate to IC.
Dr. Parker, Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at both Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and, most recently, at Saint John’s Health Center- also a Clinical Professor of Ob/Gyn at UCLA since 1995, has been a supporter of my work for years. He has been a part of publishing recent research that substantiates the importance of the ovaries and discusses why physicians should not necessarily take them out as a matter of course as they have been trained to do when performing hysterectomies.
IC has many causes, but, in my dissertation, I discuss the involvement of ovarian removal with being one piece of the puzzle in the IC picture of some women having had this procedure.
A funny side note-when I adopted my dog and took her to be spayed, I would not allow the
vet to remove her ovaries, bc I am seeing more dogs that are starting to have chronic
bladder infections turning into what looks like IC. He said he would honor my wishes as long
as I did not tell anyone he was the one who did the procedure bc it is just not done in
veterinary medicine. Perhaps this study will begin to change the mindset of ovary removal
in hysterectomy procedures!
What about getting your tubes tied?
I had my tubes tied with my last C-section. What part might that play in Ic or hormon issues? Tammy
Tubes Tied
I don't believe that would have an impact on your IC. This is as far as I know of course, but I honestly do not believe that!