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Hello There

I live in the UK and am about to make take the step to make an appointment to see Matia for IC issues. The problem is that I tested positive for a tiny bacteria called Ureaplasma which is a form of mycoplasma known to cause urinary problems. I took a high dose of doxcycline to get rid of the bacteria back in February and it made the situation worse. I went on to develop vulvodynia and have a constant tingling sensation in my hands and feet with pain under my arms in my lymph glands.

Seeing Matia would cost me a lot of money and I want to make sure she would be able to help me even with being tested positive for ureaplasma? Has anyone else tested positive for this particular type of bacteria and still found help with chinese medicine to fight it!

Many thanks


natasha149's picture

Emma, if you read through success stories, you will find at least one or two cases of Ureaplasma. If I remember correctly, Matia suggests an initial doxycycline course to kill the bug and then slowly and methodically brings the body back to balance. 
You are in the right place!

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

Yes I seem to remember reading some success stories regarding ureaplasma.  I know there are a lot of success stories but its worth reading them all.
I have never regretted making the trip to see Matia, you'll be surprised how many people from the UK do.
You could try ringing the girls at the office if you have any questions.

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

This story is very long but relevant
Actually if you read all this site it is very interesting.  There is also a Matia question and answer script which is very relevant.

Wen57's picture

I also had ureaplasma cultured.  I originally found out about it on Dr. Gabe Mirkins web site- you can google it and search ureaplasma and mycoplasma.  There are about 4 articles.  I tried some of the antibiotics suggested and then I had a gut feeling that antibiotics were not helping and could be making me worse. 
I went to Matia and eventually she put me on a strong dose of oil of oregano and after about 6 weeks I got better.  Oregano is a strong natural antibiotic.  I took 5 caps 4 times a day. It was 24 dollars for a bottle of 6o and they lasted 4 days...but I stuck with it.   I got a discount of 20% since I bought so much. 
Ureaplasma is a tough nut to crack- so tiny, hard to culture, and realy hard to kill.  Probiotics are really important too and fish oil.  I followed what  ever Matia said because she was the only one I could find that seemed to have success for so many. 
My story is on this web site- under Matias recent blog paths called "A shared story" by WB.  Hopefully it will give you hope to perservere and beat it. 
I had extreme bladder pain and have been pain free for 9 months now.   Good luck and I will send you prayers.  Wendy