Still confused about the diet

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I'm still confused about whether the diet should be followed in order for maximum detox/healing benefit??  I know that I can tolerate some of the things listed in 2, 3 & 4 due to years of trials!  But I'm sticking with list 1 and a couple of veggies on list 2 as I believe it to help in the detox and healing process..  For example if i were to have blueberries, which i know I can tolerate..this is a sugar so eating it will increase the yeast production rather than kill it?  Also, I thought I was ok with milk products but again the same thing..

Can anyone shed some light on this for me please?

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

Yes you are correct in thinking its just not down to what you can tolerate.  There are many other factors involved with food and how it breaks down in the intestines.  I don't think sugar is the only factor.  Also sometimes its the way that food is prepared is an issue.  I know Matia does not advocate juicing because it can be too alkaline and therefore upset the balance of microbes (or whatever) in the gut.
For example I am now on list 4 but despite longing for milk I am only allowed tiny bits in tea and coffee, and never on its own.  Matia says its because its the way the body deals with it.  While others on lower lists than me are allowed raw milk, so its very much down to what Matia says is OK for you.  There is always a reason.  Sometimes Matia will OK a food which is on a higher list but you will need to discuss this with her first.

Hopeful's picture

on list 4, and Matia WANTS me to drink raw milk, 8-16 oz a day. She has wanted me doing this since I was on list 3. So it is def different for everyone. It is so individual sometimes the list are not much to go by when you really start to talk with her, and have been in treatment for awhile. Ask her about anything you do want to try and have, she will tell you what you should and shouldn't be eating or could be trying according to your individual case.
Hang in there, the diet does get much easier.

missmadmolly's picture

Thank you.  I'm not finding the diet TOO bad, it feels good to be healthy.  The sugar continues to be a problem, usually on a 3 week cycle but at least it has highlighted the dependence I'd developed, possibly due to my body craving it.
I do feel given that I'm only drinking water and have done since 28 Jan that I could drink chamomile and peppermint as I used to drink these regularly without a problem (I haven't drunk caffiene for many years due to reaction)..It would at least give me some choice and provide a warm comforting drink. 
Redbush was my replacement for regular tea but I see no information on this.

flygirlsam's picture

I've been in treatment for a year and a half (list 3 and some 4) and still having trouble with chamomile tea.  I really don't tolerate any tea.  Anyone else have thoughts on why this may be?
Also, I know we must avoid all vinegar, but does anyone know exactly why?  Is it because of the acid and it causes pain or is it because of the fermentation and some yeast connection? There are so many articles about the healing properties of apple cider vinegar and i am confused why exactly we must avoid.  Don't want to bother Matia.
Thanks a bunch!