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I have been fighting bladder pain for 2 years.  Pain for 12 months, did Matias program the last 3 months and got better about 1 month after starting the Oreganol.  Better for 10 months and then the pain started again but much lower level pain this time....about 1/2 of what it was before.  I was eating too much sugar and not enough veggies. Started treating again for 6 months and finally decided to try oreganol again and lo and behold...better in about 2 weeks.  I think it is much stronger than the SF722.  

I researched the company and called customer service to ask their advice.  It is made by North American Herb and Spice and it is a strong antibiotic and antifungal.  I read one book saying it is 100 times stronger than caprylic acid another popular antifungal.  The company customer rep said to be sure to take it with probiotics...since it is so strong.  They need to be separated by 3 hours because the oreganol will kill the probiotics.  I changed my probiotics to 7am and bedtime to coat my gut while sleeping.  I take the oreganol 3 x/ day with food to prevent heartburn.  It is strong and needs food to buffer. 

I also found out that there is plain oreganol and super strength.  The plain caps are equal to 5 drops of the liquid and the super caps are equal to 17 drops of the liquid.  Since I was on 5 plain caps 3 x/day, I could change to 2 caps of the super strength and save a lot of money.  It is a much better deal for what you get.  You have to build up slow tho to get adjusted since it is pretty strong.  Start low and gradually build up, using the regular strength.

Just thought this would help some of you and save money too, if Matia recommends Oreganol for you.  I am a pharmacist and I research everything.  All I know now, is it worked for me 2 times now...but I am taking my probiotics seriously and eating some plain greek yogert too periodically.  It does not bother me.  

Keep up with any yoga you can do and breath deep.  Magnesium 250mg at bedtime helps with constipation, keeps you regular (gets rid of the toxins), and being regular is vital to get the pressure off the bladder.  It seems that if I did not have a BM the pressure and pain was lots worse.  I have also read that Magnesium is good for decreasing muscle spasms and muscle tension in the peri/groin area is not what we want.  Magnesium balances Calcium and both are needed together.  I had been taking Calcium for years with out the Magnesium and now think that could be a contributor. 

God Bless everyone and keep reading.  Your local library is loaded with tons of free books about health, digestion, yeast, candida, fats, veggies, diets, sugar, etc....It all adds to your knowledge and can be very motivating.  

missmadmolly's picture

Bless you for taking the time to put this most helpful post up.  Thank you :)

Christine222's picture

Did you ask Matia about taking the probiotics seperately from the oil of oreganol? Or did you tell her you were doing this? I wonder what she says about it. I wonder because I take 2 mega's with my oil of oregano and I wonder if it is killing all the probiotic by doing this. Glad you are feeling better!

blondy's picture

Oreganol and Oil of Oregano are different, aren't they?
Wen57, where do you buy your Magnesium? I also remember something about Zelenium, but I have not looked into it yet. 

researchnerd's picture

You're not supposed to post this kind of advice--brands yes--herb advice NO.  Don't just randomly start taking oil of oregano or manesium because it worked for Wendy.  You need to always talk about your herb intake with Matia.  Wendy, I hope you're telling Matia that you're doing this.
I find this so frustrating--how many times does Matia have to post not to give others herb advice before people get it?  Just because you read about it at your local library doesn't mean you have the experience and knowledge to begin recommending things to other people. 
I'm not trying to be mean, but you should know better.

Hopeful's picture

Yes you must be very careful. All those things need to be taken only under the direction of Matia... because one thing that is good for someone else might be REALLY bad news for another. I know as far as the magnesium goes, Matia does not want me taking it at all on a regular basis, and this is different for everyone. If you are taking stuff and she doesn't know about it, and has not O.K.'d it then you are really wasting your money if in treatment.

Wen57's picture

I agree with the comments and realize that everyone needs to make their own decisions.  Matia is doing a great job and is helping lots of people.  I just had to post what has happened to me because getting out of pain is critical to living a quality life.  The information is too vital, especially the cost saving ideas.  I appreciate this web site as a way of opening up ideas to help others with battling this frustrating, scary, and mind boggling illness.  There are many paths to healing and I am just sharing what has helped me twice. I have done a lot of research into each herb Matia recommends in order to understand what we are trying to do since it is so complicated.  
The Magnesium I use is Magnesium Oxide 250mg from Walgreens.  I also use Magnesium oxide 400mg from Twin Labs that Matia recommended but this was a little bit too strong and caused diarrhea.  
Please be careful, talk to Matia about what you are doing, and do your own research.  We are all learning and working together.  

natasha149's picture

I must completely agree with researchnerd; even though, no doubt, everyone here has their best intentions, sharing this kind of information can be truly detrimental to someone's situation. Yes, it is very tempting, especially for new people who are having a very hard time seeing the difference in symptoms with this treatment. But I've been Matia's patient long enough to learn these things the hard way. By following this sort of recommendations you can aggravate things to the point when it will take Matia months to undo the damage. I am not trying to scare anybody, just want to save new patients a LOT of grief. Matia's work is truly miraculous, but only if given a proper chance and a lot of patience!

veryhappymom's picture

  Thanks for taking the time to share the story of your recovery.  I really enjoyed reading it and am so glad to hear that you are feeling fantastic!   I thought it was very interesting that Oreganol helped you.  I was put on it briefly but had problems with burning.  Your story will motivate me to push through the next times Matia puts me on it:o)

blondy's picture

I tried Pau d'arco natural antibiotic and had burning, too. I tried three different brands before I found the one that seemed to work. Little did I know that, like Wendy said, it probably killed probiotic I was taking with it. After that, I quit experimenting. I take calcium, probiotic and dried aloe vera, that is it.
I am going to see Matia mid summer. I am especially concerned about being left out to face die offs or potential side effects on my own.
Selenium is made of yeast, isn't it?
Wen57, thank you for sharing. Your post is positive and helpful in terms of what brands of products I can use when the right time comes.

missmadmolly's picture

I thought your post was helpful and had a nice positive tone.
Although we're all at times vulnerable to information, I still consider myself able to make informed decisions on what I take and how I take it. 
All good points and worth mentioning- I wish more people posted like this..This site can seem very cloak and dagger..