Hey guys. This may be kind of odd but I have a question about your allergies for a friend of mine who does not have IC. She suffers from terrible allergies and it is really starting to affect her everyday life. She has lost hope in making them better and has reached out to me to see if maybe I can be of help. I personally do not suffer from allergies and was wondering if you guys had any incite. She seems to be allergic to dust and cat hair the most. But sometimes even she can't pinpoint what is really making her so extremely snotty and sneezy. Could she benefit from a whole foods diet to help with this? Have any of you seemed to get extremely better with your allergies with this whole process? Does candida have anything to do with allergies? I would love to hear your success stories in an allergy perspective.
I was on the plain with a
I was on the plane with a guy who 'could not help but notice my healthy eating habits'. That was a conversation starter.
He said he suffered from allergies and took allergy medication every day for eight years until he started having vivid nightmares as side effect. He quit medication, did detox, started eating healthy and now is a fitness trainer. I think detox would be a good start for your friend. I don't know if I would do it without professional help. I did bunch of detoxes, but they only help to a degree. Some say that they drive des-ease deeper into the body. May be your friend should see Matia?
I also would not expect quick results. As with everything natural, it will take some time.
Hi LeeLee, I suffered from
Hi LeeLee,
I suffered from severe allergic asthma as a kid, and had allergies from pollen, dust, animal hair, mold, certain trees as much as i remember, except for food! Ironically, i used to tell my husband i am so blessed for not having food allergies, then I develeped IC and it's almost the same!! I was always so sickly, my family had to move once due to the type of trees around our house. Then i had an allergy test, the kind where they circle & number your entire back or the inside of your arms and put drops and poke with a needle to see if it got a rash indicating you are allergic. I don't know if they still use that technique, but i highly recommend your friend to see a specialist on this. I had injections done for 5 years, first started everyweek and my immune system built up, every month. I am fine now, except for a few seasonal sneezes, but i try to be careful since it could repeat itself if your immune is down. I am not sure if those injections are partly responsible for my IC today, but there was no way i would have survived the asthma attacks, and getting sick all the time cause my lungs were so irritated all the time. I was 8-10 and used to miss weeks off school. After the treatment, i started to get also less sick. I am sure our diet and skin regimen will be beneficial to your friend, as it's more pure and less full of chemicals and irratants. Allergies can be mysterious, had a friend who was allergic to mold and didn't know her old stack of books had them, she'd get sick everytime she was in her study. Btw, doesn't Dr. Brizman's husband treat allergies? You should talk to Matia about it. If there is a more natural way to treat it, it's all the better.
Thanks guys! She has had the
Thanks guys! She has had the allergy shots and injections before in the past, I think she was looking for a natural way to heal the allergies, not cover up symptoms. But in your case, I am so very happy they worked for you! Allergies are very mysterious indeed. I think Matia's husband does treat them but I wanted to hear what you guys have been through too. It really interests me to see if this has improved for anyone.
Hey LeeLee, I've had
Hey LeeLee,
I've had progressively worse seasonal allergies from my mid-20s, BUT - they've completely vanished this year since being on the diet. Not sure if there's a link, or not, but I like to think so!
There is a huge link between diet and allergies. No doubt in my mind, I would think Matia would agree.
I would encourage you to click the link "BomaMed" (acupuncture and herbal medicine) at the left of your screen and Dr Brizman and her husband have info on allergies and treatment.
I don't have IC and one of the main reasons I see Matia is food allergies/intolerance/yeast allergy/candida. I am on treatment for about 16 months, and I am able to eat the food that I wasn't able to tolerate at all. There is still a lot to go, but feel more comfortable compared the beginning of the treatment.I also had cat/dog/polen allergies and it seems like they get better as well. I had asthma when I was a kid, and ever since I stopped processed food (about 4 years ago or so) my asthma got better, of course exercise&clean environment, etc.. is another factor but I would say when the immunity system gets stronger the body can tolerate the outside things better. So, I would recommend your friend to email to Matia and see what Matia (or her husband) says. I do believe that candida/food allergies/intolerance are all can be healed through the protocol we are on.
Recently, I suffered from egg
Recently, I suffered from egg allergies. I have been eating eggs and get severe stomach cramps within a few minutes. I concern with my family doctor and he says that I have caught egg allergy. I am very scared. The most common symptoms are skin reaction such as swelling of the tongue, rashes and throat infections. I have no other side-effects and was never allergic to them before.