As many of you know, sometimes a person's sexual partner is inter-related with their IC. This is true for a male's sexual partner, but more often than not, in the woman's.
Sperm can contain many microorganisms that can be communicated into the female very easily through sexual activity. This is different than the classical STD. The sperm is a reflection of the balance or imbalance in the male at a given space in time. Depending on the health of the female, her immune system will either be strong enough to kick out any offending microorganisms-or not. This depends on her relative balance as well as the relative intensity of the microorganisms involved.
Some microorganisms are so strong, they can overcome even the strongest defenses. MRSA is an example of such an organism, although, to my knowledge, this is not one that is communicable through sperm, but does offer a very good example for the layperson to understand.
ORganisms that are commonly communicated are e.coli, Strep D enteroccoccus, candida albicans, and several others. Sometimes, microorganisms exist in what is called biofilms. Biofilms are colonies of microorganisms which include bacteria as well as fungi that coexist for the purpose of protecting and perpetuating each other's existence. Chronic infections involving biofilms can create problems as far as finding a way in which to fight such infections. IF there is an issue with contaminated fluids, this will affect the receiving person genitally as well as orally. Very importantly, very innocent things could "contaminate" the fluids such as if the person drinks beer, or eats sushi regularly, or uses NSAIDS regularly-it does not have to be something that is really obvious.
When a person has struggled with a chronic illness such as IC, he or she should be very careful in having safe sex during the time in which he or she is endeavoring to fight this condition-and choose all sexual partners carefully. He or she should make sure that the person they have chosen to be sexual with is well balanced and the health of his or her partner's fluids are not of any concern.
Furthermore, he or she should make sure that rectal microorganisms do not contaminate the genital area either. Sorry for the graphics!
If you have struggled with chronic illness and feel like you have gotten your life back, you want to really try and maintain the hard earned battle. If you need help determining the health of your present or future partner, there are lots of great ways to do that-fluid analysis through broth culture is best, but also cross referencing that kind of information with other logical kinds of analysis is also often wise bc there sometimes can be false negative results. One should look at things like, does the person have digestive problems, or allergies, or problems with fungus externally on the body. These are a few examples. Sometimes a problem that may be present is such a big give a way, you would not even have to do any further testing.
Sexuality is a huge part of most people's lives-take care to have a healthy sex life so that you can take care of your hard-earned healthy balance.
Matia, what about kissing?
Matia, what about kissing? How much the presense of these organism in saliva would generally affect the person with IC?
I have not connected kissing as being any sort of problem!
What if your partner takes prescription meds?
How much would their prescription med use affect us? And is there any useful testing for this type of thing?
For instance, I think my partner's pretty healthy and balanced, but he takes Propecia (every day, for 7+ yrs).
PRescription Meds
Wont affect you unless you are the recipient of his sperm-but if you are, then it could alter your condition via that contact.
Oral Sex
Matia,Is Oral Sex OK as long as one does not swallow her husband's sperm and rinse with Goldenseal? If I occasionally for get to rinse with Goldenseal is this a big problem?Sharon
Yes, that is fine!:)
Are you saying that wearing a
Are you saying that wearing a condom and using proper hygiene isn't enough? I know my partener isn't balanced and getting him that way is going to be a task I have been working on for a while. i have a feeling because I am stronger in will then he is that my IC will resolve before he is balanced. I don't want to hurt his feelings either by saying hey your lifestyle of eating sugar and processed foods needs to end or I can't have sex with you. He smokes too and he was drinking just got him to stop that. He has ADHD i know it's yeast because of all the sugar he has allergies again yeast I am sure. I don't really know how to handle that. He has however been very supportive of my IC and treats me kindly I love him and would like to have a normal life again with him. I want to see him change but I don't see the desire to give up these things. He does also have chronic pain and I am sure that relates to the crap he eats. he is in denial about it and is having a hard time just giving up the drinking. He had done soda too but is recently back on it. That was hard to watch. I like to see him get well but it's not something I can do for him has to want that. I like to have a future with him and love him just the same.
SO I hope that is not the case.
Condom and Hygeine
Yes, those things are enough as long as you are not swallowing his sperm!