Hashimotos thyroid with Goitre

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Wondering if anyone else is dealing with this as well as IC?  I am wondering if I will be able to get well while dealing with this illness too?  Any success stories out there?


researchnerd's picture

I don't have this, but the idea behind chinese medicine (not sure how much you've read) is that illness happens when your body is imbalanced.  Matia in treating your IC, is helping your body balance out, which will help with any other strange illness.  Hashimotos is another autoimmune disease (like IC), so I'm sure she'll be able to figure it out.  I think there's a connection with the thyroid and IC  as well.  I would just talk to her about it, either in an email or at your next appointment. 
Sorry to hear this, but I really think in the end you'll be fine. : )

Shelby's picture

Thank you

Shelby's picture

I've been doing some research and apparently there's quite a connection between hashimoto's and gluten intolerence.....I am going to go gluten free to see if this helps.  Does anybody out there have any knowledge of this.

bperrea's picture

Hello, I too have hashimotos.  Matia is hleping me get off my thyroid meds, it comes later in treatment after your bladder is more stable. No worries, Matia will treat you and your whole body will eventually come back into balance! 
God Bless ,

Shelby's picture

Could we talk more about the Hashimoto's and how it affects your IC....would you mind emailing me so we can talk off the board.  My email is kim.fowler@sjhc.london.on.ca