This is a favorite subject of everyone it seems. I doubt that most of us escape the obsession we seem to develop early on in childhood for "treats".
But, as all of you know all too well, abstinence from anything sweet is an essential for long periods of time while trying to get the body in good healthy balance.
As one's symptoms improve, there is a point that naturally sweetened goodies may be re-incorporated into the diet. And, during diet, if you are going to cheat, which, I dont recommend, but human nature being what it is often, I hope that you will choose a healthy treat that is sweetened with fruit or agave. These seem to be the healthiest and easiest on the body and the very least disruptive to the healthy balance as a whole.
Someone just emailed and asked about cocconut bliss. While this fantastic ice cream is agave sweetened which is incredible, its base is cocconut-not so good for someone symptomatic or having been symptomatic of IC.
If you are symptomatic, eating once can be a mistake-cause major pain. If you have used to be symptomatic, developing a regular habit of cocconut anything is standing on a slippery slope bc cocconut can over time begin to bring back symptoms in an awful way. Of course, there will be those that it will not do that in, but, who wants to find that out?
Generally speaking once you are asymptomatic or close to it, having a full diet with just a few things you do focus on staying away from is wise-so that you are careful to keep that balance in tact and give your body the best chance for leaving those horrific symptoms as a memory.
While there does not seem to be any milk based agave sweetened ice cream-there is a fudgecicle (no idea how to spell that word) I found called Sweet Nothings. As far as I can tell there is no cane sugar, they are all fruit sweetened. And, they are delicious.
One could also make something like that by putting ingredients in a blender and getting a mould to put the ingredients in and freeze. Also, getting an ice cream maker and making your own ice cream with any ingredients that are good for you and that you like and using agave to sweeten is a great way of enjoying ice cream. I have one at home, and we get really creative and have a lot of fun with it.
I did find one store out here in california, and I am certain there must be more who often carries an agave sweetened frozen yoghurt that is milk based and is outstanding. It is the kind that comes out of the machine. It is also not that obvious, bc they have others that are sweetened with the toxic chemicals as well and there is this one lever that contains the agave sweetened version. If you dont ask you dont realize. But, I have tasted it and love it!
A reminder to check out the Gentle PRoducts Guid-not a very good name for it-under IAIC above then scroll under sweets. I have a long list of healthy treats there that one can use as a guide for healthy treat eating. I do need to update it with things like the sweet nothings, but it is a good basis from which to draw some great ideas. And, don't forget about baking with agave or with fruit sweetened or agave sweetened chocolate! Cookies and cakes come out fantastic that way.
Matia, is coconut bliss ice
Matia, is coconut bliss ice cream a good ocasional treat for generally healthy kids?
cocconut bliss
is fine for kids yes!
Speaking of the gentle products guide
Slightly off topic but what is our best bet for natural deodorants -- not from an IC standpoint but from a general health one? I know the guide (and you) recommend Lafe's as the best but I just found it has potassium alum. Can't tell from my research if potassium alum is the same as / similar to aluminum. It's touted as a "natural mineral salt" but is that just bull? Is it safe?
I love LAfe's it is great, but not for ICers who are symptomatic-for those of you who are it is better to use Tom's Of MAine or Jason or something of that sort. The irony is that as sensitive as you all are, I have found that typically, there is not a hyper-reactivity to most deodorants. The only problem is that Tom's etc... mostly have Lauryl Sulphate and other carcinogenic.
Sorry if I wasn't clear...
...The question was is "potassium alum" something to avoid? - for general health regardless of IC. It's unclear if it's the same as aluminum which they say to avoid in deodorants.
Thank you!
potassium alum
Not 100% sure, i need to reasearch it