I know I have said all of this repeatedly to each of you, but it is nice to have it organized in such a concise manner such as it is in the following article. I really like all the points made regarding the vast number of bacteria in the intestines and how they function to contribute to the 70% functioning of our immune systems. They have an effect on our metabolism, and of course, inflammatory diseases as well. Please read this article, it is really a good one!
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this link doesn't work
just copy and paste it into
just copy and paste it into your browser and it works.
Matia do you ever use any of
Matia do you ever use any of these other things besides the natrens on this web site? I was looking at the products the relax one... I know the whole anxiety intestine relationship this looked really nice. I have the book the second brain actually. I hae yet to finish it because it's kind of intense.
This article was so interesting. I liked how it condensed the benefits of probiotics. I hadn't realized that the chlorine in our water supply also kills good bacteria. Thanks for posting it!
Matia I was wondering what you know/think about a probiotic called Threelac? I saw a link to it on the IC Users Forums. It claims that it's candida eating. Tammy
I used to use it for a long time with IC-I dont prefer this product for IC