Re-establishing Balance in the Body

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is a very different process depending on your constitution and the manner in which your body became imbalanced, and how those two factors coming together are manifesting disease.

Even for someone who is skilled in the art of practicing alternative medicine, assisting a person in the process of regaining their well-being is often a long and arduous process. It is difficult to understand how time consuming and difficult this can be for the person going through it.

In the beginning of the kind of natural treatments for chronic conditions such as IC, it is particularly difficult and requires and emphasis on the most minute details. Focus needs to be paid to the smallest things such as skin care products, added ingredients in foods, chemicals that a person is exposed to ,etc....

Sometimes factors hidden amongst something not so obvious can be changing or shifting the desired results. So attention needs to be paid by the person going through it and reported back to the caregiver so that all variables may be consistently isolated and addressed until the person gains more and more strength and balance and becomes less vulnerable to those subtle things over time. 

Depending on the point at which a person is starting from, very different kinds of supplements will be used to embark upon the road of health restoration. So, I know I have said this countless times, but comparing symptoms for any other purpose than empathy isnt a good idea. Two or ten people may have very similar symptoms, but require very different treatment. 

And, that treatment will change often as one travels along their journey.

I bring this up because there are several people having a hard time right now whom I think are endeavoring to understand why this is so hard and probably feeling like it isnt going to work for them.

I hope this sheds a bit of light. 


Kriste's picture

It is sometimes so hard to keep faith and hope when having a hard time.  I always wonder if I am doing enough and also feel like I have to watch too much what I am doing.  This can be so consuming.  I am glad to have your guidance but it is sometimes difficult to always believe especially when it is so hard to understand this whole thing.  I wish I could see the future and know I am going down the right path.

drbrizman's picture

IC is definitely a frustrating condition. Horrifying to have and ridiculously difficult to treat. I understand your struggle-and everyone's struggle. This is why from time to time I attempt to clarify how hard this condition is in all aspects.No one has a crystal ball. This is why I often asks patients whom have gone before to chime in from time to time or write about their experiences-this is not always easy and people often do not feel comfortable doing this. But, when they do, it is greatly appreciated. By the time you have IC, it has been brewing for long before. Imbalances in the body take a very long time to manifest into disease. This is why the journey toward restoring healthy balance is so time consuming.I like to treat at the root of the problem and not at the manifestation of it-purposefully. I think this complicates things much much less and in the long term, is much more effective. I realize that when you are suffering it is hard to be patient, and you are filled with doubt. This is understandable. And, for that reason, one may often make choices that I would not necessarily want or agree with. But, together we go down this road in the struggle of getting life back. 

Angela's picture

Dr Matia, I was just reading this post and I was thinking about the days where I was so so ill with IC, this post made me think again. The pain was just so unbearable and all these other issues and discomforts that came with it.  At the time, never and I mean never in a million years could I have thought being a normal human being again.  My life was taken away from me.  I was alive and that was it...I was alive but I did not have a life.  My children did not have a mother, my husband did not have a wife, instead not only did they have to take care of me, they also had to give up most things in their lives.  I was so so ill with such an unbearable pain around the clock, I thought there was no end to the suffering, I thought I was doomed for the rest of my life. But I was not and I am not.  You gave me hope, you have been there for me and I listened to your words. You taught me a good life!  With trust, diligence, persistence by not ever giving up I made it.  It took me a few years and yes there where many times where I had doubts that I was just different than others, that I was just a too difficult case that would never get better.  I will never have enough thank yous for you dear Dr Matia. You gave me my life back. I have a whole new life.  Life is good again and better.  I have learned what a good life really is.  I know now not what to do. In the end, so many good things have come from all this.  We are all healthier in this family because of this and because we took this path together as a family.  My children no longer have allergies and learning disabilities, my husband David had a few health issues for years and he is better too.  He said:  "Angela, because of your illness and because of Dr Matia Brizman, not only you are better but all of us are better".  We as a family have a whole new life and are happier.So for those out there that struggle, please NEVER give up!  I share this with you; that you too one day will have a new life.  I was a very difficult case and I want to tell you that if I can get better and have a new life, so can you!I am out and about and I do not need to think of my bladder.  I drive long distances (sometimes 3 hrs or more) and feel I have a normal bladder. The first year in the treatment I lived only on a few vegetables and a little rice and chicken and beef.  Now I eat a "normal" diet again.  Of course like I said: I have learned my lesson, I do not eat sugar (I will NOT eat it) and I do not eat mushrooms and I do not drink any alcohol. I love all the whole foods.  I love my new life!  Everyone has the right to have good health! I have said this before in a previous post; Know that there is a healing path, and that you are on it.    Angela.     

drbrizman's picture

Your parents gave you the perfect name bc you are truly, and angel! You have gone through so much yourself and yet continue to take the time to give back so much to others who are in need.Thank you for all the time and effort you give to share your message and your journey. I just adore you and admire you for everything you are!Dr. Matia