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So when I went off birthcontrol I started getting this major acne around my jaw line.  They are huge underneath zits that hurt but you cannot pop them. I have never had them before. I read online the best way to get rid of them is to go see the dermatologist to get cortisone injections but I know that is not good for IC.  I am so worried though because they are scarring really bad. I don't know what  to do.  Do anyone have any advice I would really really appreciate any help. :(



fahlmank's picture

Yep, not fun. I actually had these after I went on birth control, but before I got IC. I used a topical steroid ointment that kept them under control. I have had not problems with this skin problem since that occurrence. I imagine they will completely subside as this is a sign of either hormones rebalancing or a detox. I am sure they will go away.... but I know it is an annoying problem.

porkchop87's picture


Thank you so much for getting back to me. :)  I feel like it must be from my period and hormone fluctuations. I am sure they will go away too. I hope they don't scar. Dumb zits. I am so jealous of those who don't get them. LUcky!haha

IC-Hope's picture

I understand, I've dealt w/ major acne (& then scarring) esp before treatment when my IC got at its worst & then temporarily even worse in the beginning of treatment (which Matia said was likely)... I had different kinds of pimples including just as you describe, huge and underneath so they can't be popped, except all over my face & neck not just the jawline.
Please resist the urge to do any dermatologist treatments or even topicals (for years before treatment I did so many things, I think just contributed to my overall body imbalance even more). Even once in treatment when it got even worse, I tried everything in Matia's limited natural arsenal of topicals, but nothing made a difference. I finally had to accept I couldn't control it; I just had to wait it out til my body was done purging.  *On the emotional side-- It was a very difficult time. I would go so far as to say it was emotionally traumatic.  I cried about it often, and sometimes didn't want to leave the house.  I felt repulsive and dealt w/ lots of staring people.  Part of this though was tied around deep-seated issues of feeling ugly my whole life, being bullied, etc.  It provided fertile ground for some spiritual work around my concern over image and attachment to my body. One thing that helped was seeing the inspirational story Oprah covered of a woman horrifically burned all over her face & body and how she said she allowed herself to cry & feel sorry for herself for 5 minutes each morning, and then made herself get on with her day. I thought, if she can do it!
The good news is, eventually, over time, my skin got very clear.  I couldn't believe it, I was so relieved.  But it was half-hearted, because I still had a ton of scarring, so my skin still looked like it was full of dots!  Matia promised it would improve and fade, which it did start to more than I thought it would on its own... I can't say long-term though b/c after my bladder healed I've since gotten sick with two rounds of major muscle/joint issues, and my skin got worse at the start of each round (but nowhere near as bad as the start), so each time a new set of scars on top of the old ones.  But Matia also said that when I'm further in treatment she can suggest stronger things for the scarring, that there's many things out there safe to use (but remember, no lasers or other major treatments! big no-no for us, many got sick again afterward).
It's so hard to suffer through, I know, it but it WILL go away in time.  You are one of the *lucky* ones like me who eliminate a lot through their skin.  When I was suffering through the worst, Matia reminded me how it does go away for people, and brought up one anonymous patient whose skin she said was horrible, and then became super clear, so I hung onto that as well.  Hope this helps you & all others struggling with skin issues.

Shelby's picture

I get breakouts of pimples with every ovulation and period and at my age (50) you would have thought this was all behind me....but I believe it is my body's way of bringing toxins to the surface for removal.  I just ignore them and just wash my face and look forward to the day when my skin will look healthy and clear.

blondy's picture

Perhaps a different skin care routine would help? I noticed improvement with my skin after switching to a high quality organic skin wash, toner and occasional moisturizer. I am talking about those deep sitting painful pimples.

porkchop87's picture

Thank you everyone for getting back to me. Your imput means a lot and is helping me a ton. I was thinking of going to the dermatologist because I feel desperate but after reading these posts I am not going to go and I am going to fight through it. I definetly notice it a lot during my periods for sure. I need to just not touch my face!!! I noticed some people talking about using sea salt in jojoba oil? Does this work well?

Blake W Almodovar's picture
Blake W Almodovar

Yea i have suffered with pretty severe acne for about 6 years ( im 21 currently ) And have had IC for about 2 years. Bad combo lol. I am currently going to a dermatolgist cause i was very desperate to get rid of this. Im currently on Epiduo and this other gel oitnment. I told her i do not want to take anything internally because of my IC, and i am already taking 3 meds. 
I would also recommend the Deluvia Dead Sea skin care regime. That helped my acne a lot.