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I usually snack rice cakes + celery in the office but I don't have any protein with it, so i miss the 3rd proper ratio, is that too bad?? Do you think i must always add some protein even when snacking? At breakfast/lunch/dinner I always do, but is not always easy to add protein if you are on list 1-2 and you suddenly starve in the office...


What do you usually do??


Thanks ladies



Murphy325's picture

Matia said on a call once a few years ago that snacks should always have protein in them. Apparently it is bad to eat just carb and veg together without protein. The exception to that is if you do avocado on spelt bread. For some reason that is okay.
This may not apply to everyone, and maybe I am not remembering correctly, if so please someone correct me, but I am pretty sure you should always try to get protein in with your snacks. It can be really hard, I know. That's why when I was on lists 1/2 I usually gave up in frustration and just went hungry. Awesome solution, right?

selichan's picture

I wasn't aware that snacks should include protein. I do veggie with starch for snacks. As for avocados, Matia said they actually should be counted as protein, not veggie. So it's perfectly ok with rice cakes :)

soniafa's picture

Matia just said I should always add protein. Not sure if this applies to everybody.
I'm going to stay away from rice cakes for a while and see if I can improve vulvodynia... oh dear, not sure what to eat anymore!! ... I love avocados but I'm still testing if it's iffy... it might be to high in potassium for me yet... as Murphy25 said, what if I snack water?.?..haha... awesome solution yes...:)
Could the wise and more experienced answer to these questions please? I'd be really apreciated :)))
1. How many eggs a day is ok? I'm having 2-3 at the mo and I've heard is ok...I don't know what Matia tninks..
2. Dr B said I should try to stay away from grains- that includes rice cakes- and see if vulvodynia gets better, she said spelt bread is fine though....BUT.. I am confused because spelt is a cereal-grain and has little gluten.... I don't understand, what's the difference between rice and spelt?? i don't want to email her again... also, If I cannot have grains and i'm supossed to keep the 1/2 veggies + 1/4 protein + 1/4 starch ratio, that means I should only eat potatos??
Thanks so much!!! I hope you can help me, it'd be great info for the newbies too.

soniafa's picture

I've found lots of info regarding grains already... I think i'll have only 1 spelt toast a day and eat red potatos and see if I get better.

catalina's picture

Some good protein to have with snacks when you can have them are -
Raw almonds
Raw almond butter (which you can buy at Traders Joe's)
The raw almond butter is good with everything, I buy the raw crunchy unsalted.

deir's picture

I love raw crunchy unsalted almond butter. I just have no idea when I will be able to eat it!

soniafa's picture

all sounds delicious! I dream about yogurt...
i only can have mozzarella cheese at the moment... and I think I shoudn´t eat very often yet ... almond butter... :)) ...yummy