C section

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Hello everyone

I am now 35 weeks pregnant, and my bladder is pretty bad last week.

my baby is very big, and is not lying good, so a c section will happen in a few weeks.

I there anyone who has had a c section with ic, and a bad bladder in the weeks before?

is it much worse after wards, and how was it with the catherer?

I'm very scared.



robin's picture

What i forgot to tell was this is my fourth and last child, the others were normal deliverys, all with bladder problems after wards.

deir's picture

Carola- Is there any chance of you trying Moxibustion with an acupuncturist? You are at the prime time for turning a breech baby (I am assuming that is why the C-section)
Hang in there- ((hug))

robin's picture

No they will not try and turn, the baby is 7 pounds allready and is lying wrong all the time, the c section will be on 30th of april, otherwise the baby will be 10 or 11 punds way to big.

deir's picture

Robin- I am not talking about trying to manually turn the baby like in a version(sp?). Maybe email Dr B and ask about moxibustion? The acupuncturist lights a bit of herb on the end of a needle and can sometimes turn the baby that way.
ALso- those estimates on size are not always right. They really don't know how to weigh a baby in utero.
Thinking of you and wishing for the best- remember your body may be more resilient than you think. You are different than you were with your other births and just because the other times you got worse does not automatically mean you will this time.

Vin43's picture

Hi Carola,
I second what Deir said. With my last baby (he was my fourth), I had moxibustion with an acupuncturist to turn him at 33/ 34 weeks or thereabouts (can't really remember now). It worked. I had a natural labour and he arrived at 38 weeks at eight pounds so was quite a big baby too.  From my experience, it seems it's possible to turn a fairly big baby at 34/35 weeks but of course, only you know your situation. My bladder got better and better after each pregnancy but I do remember that it was pretty bad after my first. It took another pregnancy to make it better  :)   For me, pregnancy hormones resolved the IC; I know that for others, it works the other way round. You may find that your bladder gets much better after you've delivered. One final point is that I had some bleeding after my third labour and had a catheter then for a bit. It was absolutely  fine.  I really wish you all the very best. You'll be fine.