Flu - advice for "normal" people

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Husband has the flu!! He came home from work coughing and saying he's "achey." Does anyone know what herbs are good for a "normal" person who has the flu?? I want to get him better ASAP. And before he passes it along to me. I've never had the flu in my life and don't feel like starting now!  Thanks guys!

Tinkerbell7's picture

I gave him Echinacea goldenseal. Any other herbs your family takes while down with flu?

deir's picture

pretty sure GML is the one for flu

Tinkerbell7's picture

Thank you, deir!! I just gave him several herbs, gml and ear included. Trying to get him fixed up before it gets too out of hand! Thank you!

Christine222's picture

When I had the flu last year she had me take Goldenseal, oil or oregano and echinacea. I didn't have any other herbs on hand but I think GML and ZGL are both used.

Tinkerbell7's picture

Thanks guys! He's on the mend. I ended up giving him Echinacea goldenseal, gml, ear, and formula 49. His cough was dry, and this seemed to work well. He's been wearing a dust mask around the house to keep from spreading germs with cough. I expect he'll be fully better by the end of the weekend! Thanks again!!

deir's picture

Good! That's not too long for a flu. Glad he is feeling better