Found an angel

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Last week I was admitted to the hospital for complications due to pneumonia and while I was sitting in the ER, the nurse asked me if I had a primary care physician.  I sort of broke down due to exhaustion and said no and explained to her why: That I had IC, that I had scarring experiences with doctors and that I was afraid.  I told her that alternative medicine was working pretty well for me and that I knew that there was a stigma, but that it worked for me.  She said she has seen a lot of things and that she herself should not be standing her talking to me.  I asked her what she meant and she said 14 years ago she got ovarian cancer and a mix of both alternative and western medicine restored her health.  I was in shock.  I was so happy to hear that she as a practioner of Western medicine supported me.  She said at Scripps Health they are very supportive of alternative therapies and that they even pay for it in their own doctor's insurance, etc.

I asked her for a recommendation for a doctor who would listen to me and be supportive.  They didn't need to necessarily understand everything Matia does, but that they would at least support me.  I visited his physician's assistant last week and was surprised to walk into the office and it was very "zen" with fountains and very "eastern" flair.  The PA was super supportive and listened to everything I had to say.

I just wanted to post this blog as a bit of hope for all of us who have been laughed at, made fun of, questioned, etc.  There are doctors out there who do want to help.  I believe on William Crook (author of the Yeast Connection) website, they have a list of sympathetic doctors who do believe in "yeast syndrome".

I wish you all peace and joy as we move into the holiday season and I hope an angel comes to bless you as one did for me.

Kriste's picture

Jeanette what a wonderful story.  I hope you are recovering well.