How many of you are natural blondes or red heads? Even as a kid?
I am just curious because anecdotally I know more people with leaky gut/imbalance issues like IC or other things like INfertility that are fair.
ALso anyone who has had kids- do you have stretch marks? I have felt theer was something deeply worong with my health for 8 years since I got such terrible stretch marks with my first son. It took me 7 years to get over the vanity issues (mostly sigh...) but I always knew it had to do with nutritional defiencies particualrly zinc. I think this was due to my PIll use and being a Veg for 2 years.
Thanks- I know this isn;t a very scientific poll but I am just curious!
I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin.... I don't have kids, but I have strech marks on my thighs because I went from stick thin to curvy over summer break when I was in highschool.
It will be interesting to see other's responses.
Blood rhesus type?
The other thing I wondered about was our rhesus blood type. I am rhesus negative.
Oh well now I am getting
Oh well now I am getting interested! Wow.
My momma is a blondie and she had IC, but she has 0 stretch marks from 3 children. Her mom was a redhead, with no IC but definitely had a hysterectomy during that ghastly time in American history where OB/GYN's gave them out like bubble gum--not sure why she had it, she wasn't really the type to talk about that kind of thing.
I have light brown hair tho, and I'm not particularly pale.
I have dark blond, light
I have dark blond, light brown hair... says my hairdresser, but it looks brown to me, I still lighten it. I have pretty bad stretch marks from my one pregnancy. I am mostly Irish with some German. My blood type is O. No one with red hair in my family but lots of blonds.
redheads, etc
I have brown hair that was auburn/reddish when I was younger and my mother is very redheaded. However, I think the bladder issues are more related to my dad's side of the family (he has bladder issues) and he has brown hair. We are all Irish, though.
I remember reading a book called "You Don't Have to Live with Cystitis" that was about regular bladder infections and IC by a urologist named Larrian Gillespie when I was 16 and had just gotten IC. It cited a study about the prevalence of IC among those with blonde or red hair and fair skin, or with a parent with blond/red hair and fair skin. It also said that IC was more common in scandanavian countries and ireland/england/scotland than elsewhere. This was a long time ago, so I don't know if this research still holds up, but anecdotally we seem to support it here so far!
As a child I had very blonde
As a child I had very blonde hair, in the sun you pretty much couldn't see it. Now it is dirty blonde. I too am mostly Irish and some German. I have blue eyes and very fair skin. Neither of my parents have or had bladder issues that I know of, but I have a cousin who has IC, and many others with IBS issues. Very interesting!
me too...
I was a red head growing up that darkened into a light brown and I have green eyes. My family heritage is of Swedish and German decent. Yep, I am a white girl of European decent....
Wow! This is very
Wow! This is very interesting. I am a blue-eyed natural blond. My hair was almost white when I was a child. I'm also very fair skinned. I'm of Scandanavian descent (Danish). Not aware of anyone else with any bladder issues, but my mother and her sister both had other unusual autoimmune disorders. Deir, it seems like you may be onto something.
Oh, I forgot- very minmal
Oh, I forgot- very minmal stretch marks from pregnancies.
Wow, this is pretty interesting. I always heard IC was more common in caucasians, which made me wonder why I had it. My mom is caucasian but my father is south american. I don't look white at all, I have dark tan skin and dark eyes and hair (I dye my hair blonde though). However, it's interesting that someone pointed out that it is more common in people with ONE parent who is light skinned/haired. My mom is part Irish and very light skinned/haired. I guess that might be where I got it from. My dad's side of the family is extremly healthy despite never going to a doctor. My mom's side however have some health issues - my mom had to have a kidney transplant. Thanks for the info, that is interesting.
blood type
I am blood type O and used to follow the Blood type diet by Dr. D'adamo which is right on when it comes to autoimmune and the the diet. Is anyone else blood type O - This blood type is more prone to autoimmune, is a meat eater, and cannot tolerate sugar or wheat/gluten.
I have blood type O positive.
I have blood type O positive. The diet described for foods I should avoid are many of the foods that definitely cause the most problems for me. Also makes sense about why I have such a problem with reflux and indigestion with the extra stomach acid to help breakdown of meat. Was never much a meat eater before starting this diet, which is probably half my problem.
I am blood type O negative -
there seem to me many Os
This is interesting. I'm O
This is interesting.
I'm O negative.
I had very blond hair as a child and it turned strawberry blond as I grew up. I also have very fair skin which burns easily. This is different from my sisters who don't have IC. They are blond and mousy but with skin that tans easily.
I didn't get stretch marks from my two pregnancies.
I just stumbled upon this
I just stumbled upon this thread. Not sure how I missed it but I am a redhead, from Irish, English, German descent, and type A+ blood type which suggests I should be vegetarian which clearly isn't good for healing IC. That said, I do seem to gravitate towards more of a veggie lifestyle and leaner meats. I don't digest red meat well at all. I do feel better with it in my diet though, just not too often.
I had heard that redheads can be prone to weaker immune systems but not IC specifically.
I guess this is punishment for being blessed with beautiful hair. Funny, I just got a hair cut today and, as usual, I got tons of compliments on my thick naturally red hair with a natural wave. Inside I always think, I do love my hair but I would rather have a normal bladder than nice hair, lol!
Bucking the trend
I'm of eastern European descent with slightly olive skin, dark eyes and hair. Both my parents look similar. I don't believe we have anyone fair in the family, certainly no redheads. My blood type is A positive, but when I started switching to a diet with lots of meat I started feeling better.
Sorry to buck the trend!
I have dark brown eyes and
I have dark brown eyes and hair but fair skin. No strectch marks after my son was born and blood type A-. I am the only one in my family with bladder problems.
By the way no IC symptoms during pregnancy but it all came back 3 weeks after my son was born.
I am 0 negative as well. It's
I am 0 negative as well. It's very interesting about your blood type and how you should eat or avoid eating. I have dark color hair, hazel/brown eyes, olive skin. My mom had bladder issues, always thought it was due to muscle tone after pregnancy, but i think she probably has IC too.