info please on travel overseas

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We're traveling to Germany in two weeks - if anyone can answer some questions - much appreciated.

Any problems taking in pro-biotics, Rhodiola, Vitamin D & Cod liver oil?

The name of spring water in Germany?


Christine222's picture

I just went to Ireland and had no trouble taking my probs and stuff. I even had a bag with a few ice cubes in it with the probs and they let it through. I just put it with the liquids, that they view seperately. Can't help you with the water. I know it was easy to find in Ireland. Are you going on vacation, have fun!

cprince's picture

Haven't traveled overseas since being in treatment, but am going out of the country in a couple months. When I travel in the states I just call the office and Lynn emails me a sheet to carry with me that allows you to carry your water, pros, supplements and food through security. I am more nervous attempting this through customs, but I am sure it will be fine. The cod liver oil, I am not sure, but may need to be an unopened bottle to get through security. This I know is the case with the water. They make you open it in front of them, then they test it before they send you on your merry way. Allow yourself extra time just in case, because this can take sometime, if a supervisor is not readily available. Hope you have a great trip!:) 

MissCC's picture

I've travelled to Germany many times although admittedly not with probiotics. From memory though they're not that strict with stuff like that compared to Australia where I live - who are soooo strict about food types that you bring in. So you should be fine with probs. As far as spring water goes. They have tons of amazing quality spring water there. Vittel is one I used to drink there a lot. Otherwise if you want to ve super safe they have Evian everywhere there so you can get that too.
Have fun!

DLFox123's picture

For all the info - I'm extremely nervous about going. I had promised my family a trip, with some money that my Dad left when he passed away- they've all been planning on this for the last six months - I was feeling really great when I came up with the brilliant idea - now my bladder and anxiety have reared it's ugly head and I just want to survive the whole thing - I know, not exactly the way to look at it.

researchnerd's picture

there is lots of yummy yogurt in germany!!!  super full fat!  also, there is good ethnic food, especially in berlin!  as i recall, you're on list 5, right?  so, you will have a delicious time.  eat some turkish food for me!!!!!!