I know this question has been asked over and over and there isn't really an answer I feel like... but I've been on a no gluten/dairy diet for 3 months now (these were triggers for my vulvodynia), and I've been Dr. Brizman's diet for a little under 2 (with occassional blueberry cheats). My bladder felt SOOOO MUCH better, virtually no symptoms after struggling for two years with SEVERE vulvodynia, recurrent infections, and terrible pressure, bruning and urgency and frequency and and and...
Anyway, when I stopped gluten and dairy I could finally wear underwear again woo hoo! And now after two months my GERD and acid reflux that developed super suddenly and just spiraled out of control is total under contol (I ate at like 10pm yesterday because I was feeling so good... paid for it this morning with a serious coughing spell... but I figure this is normal).
All of a sudden though, around my period and since then I started getting some more symptoms. Diarrhea, light headedness, and very low energy (thank god for unemployment, I can take naps in the middle of the day). I've even been feeling bladder symptoms that I haven't been feeling for the past few months... given my overall improvement I want very much to attribute all of this to die off... but dont'know how likely that given the short amount of time I've been on the diet and the fact that I am not taking herbs yet, and the fact that I cheated with blueberries two or three times AND the fact that I probably have Lyme disease so this could just be me with Lyme disease HA.
Thanks ladies! Be well and be happy :)
Definitely could be die off
Definitely could be die off/detox
I thought I had one before I
I thought I had one before I started treatment. I believe it is totally possible.
Agree. My symptoms are a bit
Agree. My symptoms are a bit more intense during ovulation and my period. Dr. B says that having a period is ONE of the ways that the body eliminates toxins. I think this is why some people have heavier periods and bleeding in between (which I had about 2 months into treatment). The body is desperately trying to get the bad guys to leave in whatever way it can. Smart body :) Now you are helping it by putting good food in. When good food is there and toxic food is not, the body has time to clean house!
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Hooray for our smart bodies!
Hooray for our smart bodies! :)