Mood Swings

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Does anyone else experience insane mood swings? I'm talking night and day. For instance: some days I am madly in love with my boyfriend, and think all my friends are great. Other days, I am on the verge of breaking up with my boyfriend because he left dishes in the sink, and don't return any of my friends' calls because I can't stand to speak with them. I can't tell if I am personally going insane, or if this is some aspect of this treatment; some sort of emotional die off. part of me thinks it is emotional die off because I keep having the most random memories pop into my head; things I have not thought about in years. But another part of me wonders if this is more a personal issue. Sometimes it is so hard to tell if something is fleeting die off, or a more serious issue to attend to.

Anyways, anyone else feel insane?

lovemyangels's picture

I am 4 months or so in with Matia and I haven't experienced this yet with her.  BUT, I did a lot of detox work with other practitioners and I DEFINITELY experienced this before.  I would totally think about ditching my husband only to have the next day or so be madly in love with him.  I also had weird random thoughts from high school and old friends or not "real" friends from grammar school.I would probably say it is emotional die off.  I had the exact same experience and I dont feel that way now so lets hope I am not crazy either.  :)xobecky

Hopeful's picture

Yes, lately some days I feel like I am up beat, and have energy, and literally the next day i feel like I am a bitter 90 year old... ha my poor husband. I try and tell him it is not him, and if I bite, don't take it to heart ; )No seriously, I think it is die off. I know it must be for me. So hang in there, and what I do is if I am REALLY having one of those days, I really do limit time spent with friends (maybe the more sensitive ones that would have a hard time understanding) and I don't talk on the phone to anyone. I don't like talking on the phone anyway, so those days I just avoid all phone calls... I know it is lame... but it has helped me not screw up relationships that are going good : ) 

Tawni's picture

Yes, I totally know what you mean!  I can go from being happy and in a great mood to crying my eyes out and being mean for no reason.  It just comes out of nowhere and is more severe than just being moody.  I too feel like I'm just going crazy sometimes!  I think it can be die-off, but also I know this disease affects our nervous system and emotions in general...