not sure what to do about knee pain

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I remember reading a while back about someone whose inflammation spread to their legs and as I've been suffering from knee pain, I'm wondering whether I should seek treatment.  As we know IC can throw out all sorts of weird symptoms and I've been riding this one for a couple of months now in the hope it will sort itself out.


It feels as if there is no cushioning between my knee cap and joint and it hurts to straighten my leg if it has been bent more than 90 degress for any length of time.  I can't kneel at all and it was the kneeling position that caused the problem in the face place (I was reading a book at the library on herbs but kneeled on the floor instead of going to a table - silly me)


If anyone has an opinion about this - please share.  Many thanks.

deir's picture

 Matia always askes if I have joint pain so I know it is a common die-off symptom.
That being said- I am a dancer and periodically I would get knee pain. It always helped me to do straight leg lifts. No weight or bent leg lifts. Just lying on my beack and lifting the leg 45 degrees off the floor slowly for several reps. Then on your side crossone bent leg over teh other straight and slowly lift the straight leg.It strengthens the muscles around the knee I believe. That might help if it is more a run of the mil lthing and not IC related.
It is scary to have anything else going wrong. I hope you feel better soon.

missmadmolly's picture

I shall try those exercises, I know my legs have gotten weak probably due to me being inactive.  Unfortunately I do think it's IC related probably the inflammation travelling around and finding a weak spot, who knows!  I just read the story on here someone posted called 'losing my legs' the knee pain she describes is just the same - I can only hope that my problem won't escalate like hers did !  Scary!