I can't seem to provide the link on my computer but just type oil pulling into the search generator and you will see that she is not okay with this unfortunately. It seems like it would set one back in treatment.
No oil pulling. Sorry. Try to think of anything that MECHANICALLY moves toxins and the lymph. This inclues, bouncing on a trampoline (YES, it really does move lymph), massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, hot yoga, and some other yoga, ESPECIALLY inverted poses, and for some, exercise in general, especially if you are getting your heartrate up for a long time or lots of sweating. This is not the case after treatment, but very important during!!!
I think to understand what some of our risks are this treatment we have to really extrapolate out the basic risks so that we can avoid the other ones. Our lymph is backed up (like a clogged sewer sysem, FULL of toxins-sorry for the graphic analogy but it is really true, I borrowed it from Dr. Brizman!) AND many of us have stagnation, so it is really hard to get things moving. Once cell at a time so that our bodies don't get overwhelmed and overract to the detoxification. This is why her treatment works and so many others do not for IC. And this is why it is so slow.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Thank you for the info - I have very little problem with food and have been having a hard time not eating things if I don't understand why they're bad.
Take Care
Isn't this through coconut
Isn't this through coconut oil?? I highly doubt this is approved since we are supposed to stay as far away from coconut oil as possible.
Can someone tell me why
Can someone tell me why coconut oil is a bad thing? Most everything else I get - but not this one.
I can't seem to provide the
I can't seem to provide the link on my computer but just type oil pulling into the search generator and you will see that she is not okay with this unfortunately. It seems like it would set one back in treatment.
No oil pulling. Sorry. Try to
No oil pulling. Sorry. Try to think of anything that MECHANICALLY moves toxins and the lymph. This inclues, bouncing on a trampoline (YES, it really does move lymph), massage, chiropractic, osteopathy, hot yoga, and some other yoga, ESPECIALLY inverted poses, and for some, exercise in general, especially if you are getting your heartrate up for a long time or lots of sweating. This is not the case after treatment, but very important during!!!
I think to understand what some of our risks are this treatment we have to really extrapolate out the basic risks so that we can avoid the other ones. Our lymph is backed up (like a clogged sewer sysem, FULL of toxins-sorry for the graphic analogy but it is really true, I borrowed it from Dr. Brizman!) AND many of us have stagnation, so it is really hard to get things moving. Once cell at a time so that our bodies don't get overwhelmed and overract to the detoxification. This is why her treatment works and so many others do not for IC. And this is why it is so slow.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Hi Denise
Hi Denise
Coconut oil is antimicrobial, but does not descriminate between good and bad microbes when it kills them in your gut :)
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Thank you for the info - I
Thank you for the info - I have very little problem with food and have been having a hard time not eating things if I don't understand why they're bad.
Take Care