Does anyone know what it means when Shrimp is "farmed"
I have been eating it a lot because I like it, its pretty reasonably priced at Costco, and it does not bother my bladder.
How do I know if there is mercury or toxins in it though??
Does anyone know how to pick safe shrimp?
I know
that you are supposed to avoid farmed fish. As this just means they are all grown on a farm, and given all the same feed, or med, or chem so disease and things don't spread, who knows what crap the are all given. Wild caught is the best with any fish. Now, not saying this because that is what I always do. I have yet to buy shrimp that is not farmed fish. I bet the wild caught is very pricy. But I do get other fish wild caught when I can. I have noticed that last week that I do a lot better with just eating red meat most the time....
when i g et shrimp i pay
when i g et shrimp i pay attention to where it has been caught . our waters are really unhealthy and the shrimp is feeding in that water so think about what climate your shrimp or crab is comming from.
Not only is farmed raised shrimp fed chemicals etc. The manufactures add bisulfites to it as well as some naturally caught shrimp. This reacts in my body like monosodium glutamate....a wicked 3 day headache which feels like my face will explode. I buy shrimp from Whole Foods or our local fish market, usually on sale. For the past month I was fortunate to be eating seasonal wild caught shrimp from Maine. Little shrimps with a nutty/buttery flavor. Yum! But the season is over and won't be back til next February.