Talking to others about alternative medicine

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You know what is so weird to me. When I am talking to someone and I bring up alternative medicine, or doing things naturally they get all defensive. Like for example, my coworker was talking about taking her 5 year old son to go get a root canal. I told her that I have read many articles about healing the teeth naturally, and there is alternative choices. I told her I would email her all the articles I was referring to. But she was all defensive about it, and kind of upset that I brought that up. It's like she was annoyed, and rolling her eyes at the thought of it.


I just notice that this is a trend I get from other people, even my family. It is so weird to me. Another example is how my Sister's son has to take Miralax everyday because he has not been able to have have his own bowel movements since he was born. I know that that could do some real harm to his body, taking the Miralax everyday for the 5 years of his life. He  has always had issues with his energy, and has pain in his stomach and legs all the time. I always talk to my Sister about Dr. Brizman, and how she uses probiotics, and herbs and healing the actual problem, not just putting a band-aid on it. But she just gets kinds short, and impatient, and doesn't even want to talk about other alternative treatment. But yet she will complain about his problems all the time to me, and how all the gastro doctors just say he has to take miralax for the rest of his life. 


I have always wanted to learn how to do things naturally and maybe they just don't care for it I guess.


Anyone else talk to people about doing thinds naturally or alternatively, and get a bad or negative response?

deir's picture

Oh- I could write a ook about hthis. What I have learned over the years is to keep my mouth shut almost all the time!
I don't have time to write a lot right now but just believe me- i understand where you are coming from.
ps- That is HORRIBLE about the miralax and such a raging example of what goes wrong.

flygirlsam's picture

I too could write a book about this and maybe will someday. For now, I have learned to keep my mouth shut. I will occasionally offer my thoughts just by saying "I have some experience with dietary or alternative therapies if you are ever interested I would be happy to share them with you" and leave it at that. When they are ready they will come find you. With a close relative I might suggest they read an article I just read that is pertinent to their situation or something like that but then walk away. You drop little hints here and there but in the end they will tune you out if they are not accepting or ready to face it head on. It's very sad. I went and got my self certified as a health coach just so more people would take me seriously and that has worked to a degree. People now pay me for advice when they need it and I don't have to waste my time and burden the people who don't want it. Finally, I find leading by example is another great way to get people to change. But if they are at all tied to the conventional medicine world or are past a certain age, I find they are pretty much lost causes and you can't "fix or change" them no matter what you say. 

flygirlsam's picture

I too could write a book about this and maybe will someday. For now, I have learned to keep my mouth shut. I will occasionally offer my thoughts just by saying "I have some experience with dietary or alternative therapies if you are ever interested I would be happy to share them with you" and leave it at that. When they are ready they will come find you. With a close relative I might suggest they read an article I just read that is pertinent to their situation or something like that but then walk away. You drop little hints here and there but in the end they will tune you out if they are not accepting or ready to face it head on. It's very sad. I went and got my self certified as a health coach just so more people would take me seriously and that has worked to a degree. People now pay me for advice when they need it and I don't have to waste my time and burden the people who don't want it. Finally, I find leading by example is another great way to get people to change. But if they are at all tied to the conventional medicine world or are past a certain age, I find they are pretty much lost causes and you can't "fix or change" them no matter what you say. 

deir's picture

That's funny! I became a Certified breastfeeding counselor so I could actually help people who wanted it too! Even then sometimes people would call and not really want to hear the truth!!

calieve's picture

Well I am glad I am not the only one that feels this way.  I think you all gave me very good advice, that sometimes I should just keep quiet. Or say something like there are alternative choices, but not start an argument about it. I feel exactly likeTinkerbell7 saying, “you just want to shout that there is answer.” Sometimes I get all excited and I actually do raise my voice a bit. And how they feel like they are being attacked, I totally get that vibe from them. And you really helped me see it from their point of view, which is good because I don’t want them to make them feel like I am trying to prove them wrong or anything.
I don’t want to offend them, or come off as a know it all. But I think that is how they look at me sometimes. I do have to be careful though especially with my close friends and family because I don’t want to damage any relationships. My good friend is completely into Western medicine, and she just doesn’t really care to do things naturally. I guess I just have to accept it and move on, not get into a “who’s right” type of discussion.
Like most of you said one of the best things to do is actually for me to get more educated in it, and somehow maybe get a job educating others. I would love to do something about getting the word on alternative, natural medicine out there. I just have so much more to learn myself. Maybe one day though =).

Clueless's picture

Most people don't seem to be interested in what you have to say about alternative medicine.  I've had the same experience as all of you are describing, whether it was with friends or family.  I'm getting better at keeping my mouth shut, but I still put my foot in it at times.  It is just amazing to me that people aren't interested in something that is a non drug and works just as well.  I've found that most people have trouble dealing with unconventional thinking. 

rocket's picture

I hesitated to throw my hat in the ring here because I didn't want to take away from the frustrations of dealing with others about this disease which are very real, or from the power of alternative medicine and the many problems with the Western approach or any paradigm that excludes other viable options, but I have to say..... When previous posters write that they "know what the answer is" and things of that nature, I've learned that that's dangerous, because they are making the assumption that this is the RIGHT way, which is just as dogmatic as those we're deriding for not taking our path seriously.  Now trust me, in the beginning of treatment, I thought and said the same things!!  I was convinced I'd found the answer and wanted others to hear, and at times would be up on my 'proud,' all-knowing perch, whether in my head or in speaking to others or both...
Beyond seeing over time, as others posted here, to keep my mouth shut (if for no other reason than because others usually don't want your unsolicited views pushed on them any more than I want theirs pushed on me), I got seriously humbled when after Matia healed my bladder (bless her!), I got struck with another major problem through no fault of my own (no cheating or anything at all), and she has not had as much success (yet) in helping, and I've suffered horribly, and it's made me wonder if drugs or another method might be more for me in my case.  After experiencing this ++ seeing how some others were not helped by Dr B (although she does claim most people get well) or how some who she even healed their bladders but then they had a bad infection that just did not respond to her methods ++ seeing how many others out there eat and drink and do bad stuff or live very healthfully but were on antibiotics for years and they have no/minor problems >> I really saw what the hell do I know?  And who am I to be telling others?   It's one thing if even Dr. B is telling others, but little uneducated me, no more schooled in Chinese/alternative ways than Western ways, I'm hardly one to declare that this is the answer or to know the cause or innerworkings of someone else's condition, to speak beyond what this approach did for me personally.  Plus, there is still so much unknown, much of health research changes or evolves constantly; perhaps Dr. B is partially right but there are further pieces that come into play, or any other number of permutations.
As much as Dr. B's approach may have worked for me and others, I was making the assumption that this treatment as well as the way of living Dr. B preaches is right for ALL, and taking it to the extreme level of i.e. sugar or personal products ingredients being "toxic" and "poisonous" for ALL.....  Now listen, please don't misunderstand, I am NOT saying that i.e. downing tons of sugar is great for others or anything along those lines, and it may even very well be at the level of poisonous... and I am NOT saying that Dr. B may not be the most brilliant and 'right on' practitioner in the game.  But perhaps this treatment/living approach is only right/necessary for some of us.   Maybe it's just us, the IC population, that her approach most applies to... or at a different degree at least.  Maybe others' bodies don't respond the same and it's not as devastating or dangerous.  Maybe drugs aren't always deleterious?, I really don't know. Maybe so many things....again, I don't know.
I know everyone on here has seriously good intentions, and I know when you've known suffering and then finally find something you believe works, and then you see others suffering, all you want is to help spare them what you've gone through, so I am not attacking anyone at all.  It just made me sad when I saw people writing here as I used to feel/talk, and after the "lessons" I've learned about it all, I wanted to share my evolving perspective if it's helpful.
with love

deir's picture

I know what you are saying. The longer this goes on for me and even before IC just getting older (and especially having kids) I recognize that I really know nothing! I mean that in the best way possible way!! It is a relief to me to not think I know the answers. I know someone who cured their cancer through being a Vegan and working with a TCM practitioner in China, I know other people with chronic conditins that do OK with drugs but there are some real facts out there though that are pushed under the rug either knowingly or due to ignorance.  The playing field is badly skewed towards pharmaceuticals and invasive treatments.
Anyway- the points you make are really good ones! No matter which angle we approach  life from they say "Pride goeth before the fall"
We all try to do the best we can
take care.