tanning salon

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I used to work in a hair salon for a very long time and have finally gotten out of it bc i knew it wasnt the best thing for me to be around the chemicals. what about tanning salons? I wouldnt be touching any chemicals but im worried the smells would be bad for me if i worked in one? im just not sure what to think:/

Hopeful's picture

I would think the change of job to a tanning salon would me MUCH better then your old job. The only thing they really use there is like lotions right? I would say it a good idea, if it is a job you will like and can get.
I know that actually tanning in the beds would probably be really bad... I faked tanned one summer about 6 years ago... and I can totally remember it making my bladder worse, even though I did not think about IC at all like I do now. 
I hope you find something that works for you.