Hi Ladies
I have IC, been a patient for a while, and was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I am on a very small does of liothyronine (cytomel) and it is inflaming my bladder so much I can't stay on it. I was wondering if anyone on here has IC and a thyroid issue and how you manage both.
Hi, I have IC and
Hi, I have IC and Hashimoto's thyroid. I have refused medication. My doctor advised me against this....but I will not take any meds unless it's life threatening. Tell Matia....she can help with this. I have just started treatment with her in the last month....but she said she can definately help with this too. If you need to talk more please feel free to email me at
From what I've heard, people
From what I've heard, people with all sorts of big conditions like thyroid have it even out after treatment, and I believe thyroid is a very common one where many ICers have it abnormal before treatment b/c so much in the overall body is off. And when I thought I had rhematoid arthritis and was freaking out, Matia told me something like (I hope I'm remembering correctly) "Don't worry, even if you do, we can treat it. I've reversed others who were diganosed w/ RA." And she said it in such an unconcerned manner I couldn't get over it! So it seems there's a lot of hope no matter what the condition. Once the whole-body is balanced, the conditions can correct themselves.