What is your opinionon on juice concentrate?

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  My daughter is in treatment with Matia and I am working on limiting her sugar.  My mom is concerned about Kara's new diet.  Somewhere I read that it was not healthy for kids to have more juice than what would naturally occur in a fruit (basically juice is a snack).  Currently, we have been eating fruit and avoiding juice.  I would love to hear your feelings on juice.  Do you drink it?  If so, do you drink 100% juice from concentrate or juice not from concentrate. 

emmarenee's picture

What are your moms concerns about Kara's new diet? My kids never really liked juice. When I mentioned this to their doctor  she told me not to push juice. She thought it was great that they didn't drink it. She said that kids drink juice and their brain tells them that thay don't need to eat anymore for a period of time. It's basically sugar, natural or not. We do make smoothies with yogurt, fresh or frozen fruit and a little apple or orange juice. I think this is a healther way to go. You should ask Matia. She has two little ones and I'm sure she would have an opinion about this. I would like to know what she says. Tammy