WHEAT AND GLUTEN and how they effect our health

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I was reading this article and thought i would share it.


carole's picture

I recently read that the wheat we eat today is quite different from what was eaten by our ancestors. The gluten is what makes that bread soft and chewy, which we have developed a taste for.  Farmers and seed companies have worked on developing wheat that has a higher gluten content. I wonder if that is playing a part in people's wheat and gluten sensitivities. I wish I could remember where I read that, I will post if I come across it again. Carol

veryhappymom's picture

Nicole,  Your timing is amazing!  Yesterday, I read this article and today my husband said that he may have Celiac symptoms.  He has a persistent cough that has increased over the years.  Today, a seventy year old woman came up to him at Barnes and Noble and told him that she had fought the same cough her entire life.  She was recently diagnosed with Celiac disease and went on the perscribed wheat free diet.  Sine then, her symptoms have dramatically improved.  Chris has been to numerous doctors and none of them have been able to help.  Eventually, I would like him to see Matia as our finaces allow.  Thanks for posting this article.