Working and IC

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Those of you with IC who work--how do you do it? I was wondering what you do for work, how many hours, and how you handle bladder issues. I am very frustrated right now. Standing or sitting for long periods (say, close to an hour or more) aggravates symptoms and makes it very hard to concentrate. I do better moving around, but cleaning jobs I've found require mopping and exposure to chemicals. I currently clean a local business but it's only six hours a week and the only reason I'm able to do it is b/c it works out with my husband's work schedule for him to come in and mop for me, otherwise I'd constantly be at the chiropracter getting my low back adjusted. UGH! I feel so frustrated and discouraged. ANd nothing is more defeating than getting out there and having to quit right away b/c you can't handle it. So I was just wondering what you do for work and how you manage??

Pink Lady's picture
Pink Lady

Hi icnot4me,
I work a regular 40 hr work week. I am a medical librarian, and most of my time is spent at a computer doing research and searching databases. I do find it very difficult -- I won't lie. Sitting for me is a major issue -- I"m much happier standing or moving around ... or lying down if things are really bad.
I try to stay busy and I'm lucky because my work is very independent, and no one cares about my frequent trips to the bathroom. When I'm busy I'm distracted enough to get by.
Sometimes I sit on one of those donought things to take pressure off of sensitive areas.
I don't know if that's helpful or not. If you have any other questions, let me know.

Carola's picture

Hi I work 19 hours a week, and i work in care with elderly, so i also can go to the bathroom whenever i need to go.But there are problems in my way again so i hope i can hold on to my work.Sometimes it's very hard working, and my two little kids, and the rest.We'll see how it goes.Bye Carola