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I would be interested in others' thoughts on affirmations. Also, any good books available on affirmations?. I started with them after I saw an NLP practitioner. It has occurred to me that they are a sort of self-hypnosis. 

Honeybee's picture

JaneJones & All,
When I first began to feel sick and I could find no answers for why from conventional western medicine- I began to branch out and take responsibility for my health. It became clear that at elast in my situation some of causes that I wcontributed to my disease had a nemotional/energetic component. That the body and mind and heart are interconnected not separate entities made sense I wanted to heal on as many levels as was necessary so I began to journal/make art to explore my feelings- and reflect on my choices in attitude, thought behavior. A friend gave me a book by Louise Hay called You can Heal your Life. It was a fantastic book to start with because has real simple loving messages as prescription to affirm and practice. I don't have th book anymore but  use her model of expansive and beautiful and loving affirmations in the present tense when I write out affirmations.
It may be a form of self hypnosis. I think affirmations can be a way to override the louder negative voices/patterns that limit us in some way. I can get stuck in my head when I'm suffering in pain and feel like I'm in an endless painful austerity or I can let go of feeling sorry for myself or like I will never be well and do soemthing proactive and healing. This journey feels like deep chess somtimes!
When we are using affirmations we can change our point of view/attitude/energy thus shifting how we make choices- which can benficially impact our health our environment even how people respond and  treat us. Positive seems to multiply? Affirmations are conciously choosing to reestablish a new neural nerve network in our brains- one that is positive and creative. Through the mind body connection I hope to with affirmations, prayer and my latest experiment and joy- mantra powered visualization send the message of hope healing rejuvenation transformation all the way down into my deepest conciousness- to the cellular level to awaken the wisdom and brilliance of my mind potential and my "inner physician." We are luminous and the body/mind /heart  is magnificent and more than capable of healing. Affirmations prayer visualizations can help us through the times when our nerves are flaring and can only relay to us pain. Lately I have been able to control the volume on my pain levels with these methods. Practice and cumulative effort are paying off bit by bit. The key is make my sessions fun creative and an imaginatisort of practice.
I just edited/added a long post on the spiritual IC forum my original topic of Mantra Powered Visualization - Thank you for bringin up this topic -fantastic one. I don't know any of you personally but the support ,sharing and advice from you all  has been incredible. I check ICAMA everyday and it is such a comfort and literally lifesaver! Thank you so much for everything. I bow to the light within you all-

nicole's picture

My most favorite person is Kelly Howell healing meditation. She combines this healing journey of affermations along with brain sync frequencies. It puts you into a state of bliss. Theta waves have been proven to be just as powerfull as morphine given at the right frequency. I haven't found total pain relief with her CD's but I find them very helpful and I am proud to say that it is her help that has been able to give me the strenght to leave the house and go to the dentist with out any xanex and be totally calm about it. :)
if you google her she is very easy to find. there are lots of CD's out but that one is by far my favorite.

Melsvensen's picture

IC is not for sissy’s
You will find your greatest strengths as you move through your weakness
You will overcome this
This too shall pass
A brighter day is made even brighter by the dark ones, hold on… the sun is just around the corner and its marvelous!
You WILL live free of bladder pain
You will help others find hope
You are an inspiration
Sugar sucks, Veges Rock!
You are beautiful
You are strong
You were made to shine
You are worth every effort this takes to get better
You ARE healing
You were created for a purpose
You are not alone
You are loved
You matter
You have something to contribute even in your pain
Nothing is wasted
The past does not determine your future
Incurable is only a word
With God ALL things are possible
Pain wakes you up to reality
You were given this because you are strong 
This is a gift
You love yourself
You are worth more than momentary satisfaction
You WILL beat this.
You  will not fail
You will start over as fast as you fell
You will not waste any failure, you will learn from it all
YOU ARE HERE. You are breathing, you are alive, YOU are a miracle.

veryhappymom's picture

I have been meditating on this verse, which had given me so much strength.  God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.  I Timothy 1:7With IC, it is so easy to give into fear instead of having faith that I can overcome this.  In the past, I had dwelt on my weeknesses instead of meditating on the power God has given me.  I am also choosing to love myself better and those around me.  Part of loving myself and others is letting go of the past and choosing to forgive all former hurts.  When faced with depression or anxiety, I have decided to have a sound mind and not focus on negative thoughts.I am amazed at how much this affirmation had helped me this week.

Melsvensen's picture

I love that verse, and yes I find when I meditate on the verses they automatically come to mind now when I am in fear or trouble, as opposed to getting caught in a web of confusion in my mind.  I am thankful for the part of IC that has forced me into a deeper relationship with God.

catalina's picture

A great book for affirmations is " Scientific Healing Affirmations " by Paramahansa Yogananda.  You can order on line at  click on "online catalog".