Spiritual Discussion

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Hello, it's so quiet around here.  I spent Christmas with Kleenex stuffed up my nose and self-inflicted quarentine.  I know - such a pretty visual.  THE GOOD NEWS - we chose to celebrate early -had a wonderful time with my granddaughter-now two-and THEN my plague hit.  ANYWAY - hope all is well - or much improved for those who have been sick-or heartfelt hugs to those that are struggling.

How to break free of your addiction to approval


For me, this issue of approval is part of the IC personality. Worry for me is often tied to how I think other people see me. This is a nice article, and has a suggestion for using the Sedona Method to help if you feel you have this paticular addiction. The trick with Sedona is to do it often, whenever the anxiety comes up for you about how others see you, so that giving yourself love becomes more automatic. 




I found another great book. "Letting go of worry" by Dr. Linda Mintle. I found mine at Walmart. I have considered myself to be a person of great faith for many years. But just recently that has been tested.  I realized that I am holding certain fears back. Fears that I didn't have faith God could help me with.  I'm still afraid but working really hard to let them go to him and trust that he will help me be victorius in conquering them and not be held in bondage to them. God wants us to surrender all to him.  Every IC pain. Every die-off symptom. Every fear that we will never feel better.

Amazing Grace


Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

Need mom advice and prayers


I write this as I sit here in tears.   Last week was a good week for me but this week has not been with today by far being the worst.   I'm having major frequency issues and when I do go I feel like I might pee on myself however I can hardly get anything out.  Just when I feel Like things are getting better bam I feel back to square one.  

It is so hard to have ic and be a mom to Young kids.   I feel like I am broken and it is so hard to take care of other people when you can hardly take care of yourself.  

This is for C Prince and Rachel Ann (and anyone else who needs it!)


I thought I had posted this before but couldn't find it to bump it. This is from one of my Al Anon books. xo


No problem lasts forever. No matter how permanently fixed in the center of our lives it may seem, whatever we experience in this ever-changing life is sure to pass. Even pain.

Difficult situations often bring out qualities in us that otherwise might not have risen to the surface such as courage, faith, and our need for one another. All  of our experiences can help us to grow.


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