Hope this is ok with u Honeybee but this post has meant so much to me that I wanted newbies especially to read it.
Honeybee's dream:
"It was a little funny and silly but we were all at this university of IC mind you- as though this whole process is like this educational journey of aquiring merits/honor degrees of health and healing! We all lived in this huge dormitory and the dream was about our graduation- about how we had come so far and how we were in celebration for our graduation to health and vibrant wellness. You were all so beautiful and glowing radiant in my dream- youthful rosy cheeked at every age-smiling laughing-helping each get ready for the ceremony. For me - dreams are very important- they communicate to me my deepest fears and anxieties my hopes and my inner knowing. some dreamsI have discovered are more like a brain's retelling of past imagery it has collected and other times its giving me this deeper message from some higher place inside me. In the paying attention to my dreams I find that they teach me alot- are like some kind of inner dialogue with my spirit and heart and many times - this will sound absolutely whoo whoo to some of you but whatever- somtimes they are so right on the money prophetic about things in my life and in the lives of people I'm connected to. This dream was I beleive one of those message dreams- it had a particular quality to it- a clarity of appearance that indicates to me its a message dream- the kind you get that is meant to encourage and support you- let you know that things are exactly as they should be and will continue to improve. That it was about all of us and not just me alone-( no linear time in dreams! ) that detail lets me know that we should put our faith and trust in the knowing that we are all on the right road and will be healthy again!"
What a beautiful dream!
Thank you for posting this again! I thought i had read and exhausted all the past posts, so it was a such a treat to read Honeybee's dream. Such a sweet dream that she pictured all of us being there and getting better together:) That's her inner beauty showing!! I like the school analogy and whenever Matia moves me to next level of the diet, still on 2 but hopefully moving to 3 soon, it feels like I passed my class and i get incredibly happy that i am moving forward.
Thanks Jane and Honeybee for
Thanks Jane and Honeybee for posting this again. I had never read it either and it is a treat. Positive visualization is always good. We are amazing wonder women to do all this stuff. We should be proud of ourselves and so grateful that we found this site and each other. The support here is fantastic and when you are feeling bad it really helps to read each others postings.
Positive, Positive. I love brocolli, salmon, hamburger sauted with garlic, butter, eggs, and eating healthy. I deserve good sleep and rest. I love yoga and walking. The air, wind, birds, grass, trees produce healing chemicals and sweet fragrances. I am so happy to know about dangerous toxinns and things that cause me pain so that I can avoid them. I love celery, cucumbers and peppers. Yum.