Cashew Butter -- Help!

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Hi Ladies!
I have been trying to find cashew butter with the only ingredient being cashews and it is so hard to find!  I've looked all over the internet.  I saw in another post someone said they ate cashew butter and the only ingredient was cashews.  Where do you find that? 

Oils tend to bother me a lot, so the nuts can't be roasted in any oils.  This is so hard to find!  I have been eating some sunflower seed butter but I don't tolerate it well.  I so wish I did!  It tastes very like peanut butter to me.

IC-Hope's picture

I get it at Whole Foods - brand is Living Tree Community Foods (
Their jar says they do not roast the cashews.

icnot4me's picture

Thank you IC-Hope!  I went to the site and you are right it says they don't roast the cashews.  I was wondering if you could tell me though what ingredients are listed on the label-- even though the cashews are unroasted, are any oils or any other ingredients mixed in?Thank you!icnot4me

IC-Hope's picture

No! No other ingredients but cashews!