My source of strength

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   I also struggle with the isssue of "so litle strength."  A few weeks ago, this problem was consuming many of my thoughts.  It came to a climax a few weeks back.  My husband had lost his job and I was unable to work.  In the past, I had worked during his various job transitions.  Now, I could barely take care of myself let alone return to work full time.  
   Soon I was comparing myself with others.  I thought to myself, "If only I was as strong as ________, I could return to work."  I felt spiritually, emotionally, and physically weak.
   One day while praying/meditating, God put this verse in my heart.  "... For when I am weak [in human strength], then am I (truly) strong (able, powerful in divine strength)."  I had come to the end of my own source of strength and realized that God would give me all the strength that I would ever need.
    You will become stronger each day.  Use this time of healing as a time to strengthen yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  Your life is like a great novel; there are many pages left to write ;o)


Melsvensen's picture

I have come to the end of myself so many times in life, I don't know why this time with sugar it is so hard.  I guess, it is my LAST string.  I have no more addictions, I have no more things I go to when I am in emotional pain.  Funny that you say life is a novel, I am writing a book right now with my testimony. It helps keep my mind focused on something other than my health.  It is called Rescued.  I  am not including IC in it.  It is from the time I was born up until I was redeemed by Christ, and it includes much suffering, but then ultimate healing and redemption.  Even though I still struggle with sugar..I have come a LONG way, and I look to provide hope to others who have had the same struggles in life.  I hope this book can provide hope.  I feel like IC is being used by God in my life to refine me and shape me into the mold he wants me to be..He wants a well rounded emotionally,  healthy servant.  My book includes, born into a abusive home (in all levels, abandonment, rape, more sexual abuse as a teenager, drug addiction, teenage pregnancy, abortions, alcoholism, suicide, depression, and then at the end REDEMPTION.  god has truly brought  me out of much despair..Sugar is the last string that needs to be cut.  Thank you for encouragement and sharing a bit of your life with me.  This is the only way I feel I can get through this, is encouragement from others.

cecilia's picture

Before I met Matia I went to a different naturopath that put me on a strict diet and cut out all sugars including fruits and tomatoes,etc. I was using sugar and caffeine to give me energy and cope with my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and I had been living at Coffe Bean on Chais, and Ice blended coffee drinks. It was very hard but after 3 months the cravings got under control and after 6 months I could sit next to people eating sweets and it would not phase me at all. I'm not sure how long you have been off sugar but I am hoping this offers you some encouragement.

Melsvensen's picture

Wow, that seems like a long time.  I get to 3 weeks normally and then a get a BAD I am expecting it this time. I love the idea someone said on another post about getting a calander and marking the days with my progress, and then I will give myself a reward each 3 week mark I hit..Like a new piece of clothing or a pair of shoes.  All the money I will save on not going on a sugar binge!