Reaching out

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Hullo.  This is a warning that I'm going to probably be breaking down and reaching out for some support.

The enormity of the task ahead has hit me although I don't know whether it's just me reacting to a bad weekend.

Feeling alot of resentment at my limitations - my life has been one long limitation and I'm sorry to sound like a 5 year old but it's not fair!

It's not been easy for me to reach out as I have a problem with feeling vulnerable and what I've though as of weak and hey guess what that's why I got so sick in the first place!  I'm starting not to recognise myself, this new person who admits that she's not really feeling too flipping marvellous and is going to have to put herself and her needs first.

It's scary, I'm not sure what's going to be left off me after this journey.. I could harp on a bit more but at the risk of sounding like a fruit loop, I'll leave it there for now.

This thing is for my own benefit but why is it so damn hard!


Clueless's picture

Don't feel embarassed or guilty about reaching out to others.  We are all the same.  This disease is hard to deal with, and each and every one of us needs support at one time or another.  Try to take only one day at a time.  Life isn't fair, and life can be a challenge, but we have to do the best we can with whatever problems we encounter in life.  It is hard to make changes.  Most people are not willing to do so.  I think this disease makes you take a good look at yourself and your values.  You will become a stronger person.  No one knows what is at the end of the journey, but it is the journey itself that counts.  Take heart, and toughen your resolve.  You WILL get through this.  You have to believe that.  We all understand what you are going through.

Shelby's picture

If you want to chat email me at
I would be happy to listen and share!

missmadmolly's picture

Hey thanks clueless and I will shelby. Feeling better already. 
I've just read today's blog from Dr B and it's true that it helps to see this a positive thing that gives us the opportunity to make a good, healthy and enjoyable life for ourselves.  I suppose change is always going to be difficult so I'm just taking each day as it comes.
I am so grateful in finding this site and although I haven't met Matia yet - I feel indebted to her for giving me the chance to get well.