I don't want to curse anyone who's doing well on oregano oil, I have in the past but after a recent break have noticed that on taking it again, it gives me a mild burning feeling in my chest which causes anxious feeling which then escalates.
I've been pretty good of late on the anxiety front, feeling very calm and well (in my head anyway) and the more sleep I get the better I feel (they do say that sleep alleviates your worries and fears..)
Can anyone share a similar experience, I know it has great anti fungal qualities and was expecting die off but if it's going to stop me from sleeping, I won't take it.
Thanks for the info
Thanks for the info tinkerbell. I've lowered my dose, seems to be ok..
self treatment
Are you still treating yourself Nyree? I don't know if thats such an awesome idea. It can make you worse in the long run. Have you tried looking into Natasha Campbell? She's in the UK, and maybe she can help you through it, if getting to LA is too difficult.
I started Oil of Oregano last week...
and it worked for about 3 days when I thought the flareup went away. It came back this past Saturday with extreme burning. I quickly emailed Dr B and she told me to stop taking it. I stopped and the flareup went away, now just back to the aches of IC which is manageable. That being said, I suspect being on Oil of O, three times a day for too long can lead to burning being that our bodies are so fragile (at least mine, I've only started in September with Dr. B).
Thanks all and thanks for the
Thanks all and thanks for the info on natasha campbell researchnerd, yes I'm still self treating and you're right it's not an awesome idea but my only choice at the moment. Hodiddlyhum..
Isn't there someone in England? Dr. Campbell-McBride? Or does she only do autism. Maybe just do the gaps diet sans herbs. Long term strategy, I don't think its a good idea to take them!