Hey Ladies,
I stumbled upon a book this morning while I was online called It's Just My Nature by Carol Tuttle. It's about discovering your personality type and appreciating who you are (and appreciating others for who they are). It got some great reviews on Amazon and sounds like it has been a life-changing book for many.
This same author wrote a book called Dressing Your Truth which focuses more on how to dress according to "who you are" inside.
I haven't read either of these books, but they are on my future reading list. I'm always looking for good books to read, especially ones that help me nurture myself and others, so if anyone else has book suggestions, I would love to have them!
Thank you for the
Thank you for the suggestions. They both sounded like fun reads, I added both to my amazon wish list. :)
I am in the midst of a book called Restoring Your Digestive Health by Jordan S, Rubin, N.M.D and Joseph Brasco, M.D. The author had a severe case of Crohn's disease, and has been hospitalized several times in his youth. The beginning was rough to read and almost returned back to library, but so glad I kept it and read thru. The rest of the book talks about how he heals and gets better with primitive diet and HSO's. This is probably one of the most informative and interesting books I read about the gut, diet, and everything from allergies versus grass fed meat, all relative to us. I highly recommend.
Sounds like a good one, I'll
Sounds like a good one, I'll check it out :)