I just want to encourage everyone who is at the beginning of treatment or still struggling to get better. I'm a little more than 3 years in treatment and flew all the way from Belgium to LA and hoped so hard that this would be the right path. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made in my life...
It has been a hard and long road, and sometimes it felt like I would never get better, but I did. It's also true that once you start to get better, you don't come to the forum a lot anymore, but I remember how important it has been to me to read positive stories from others (and certainly from long term patients).
I still have some issues now and then, but I feel so much better and forget to think about it. Not eating sugar has become a life-style for me, most people know about my diet and when I meet new people I just tell them that I can't eat sugar due to health problems. Mostly they don't ask more questions and if they do, you can tell whatever feels comfortable.
The biggest victory has been my holiday a few weeks ago. The past years it was always a struggle because I felt a lot worse when I went abroad, but during my last holiday I felt great.
It can be a very hard road but know that you will get better as you keep going. Hang in there.
Hi vicky
I just want to thank you for this post and taking time to do it.
I am 18 months in treatment and still having a rough, tough time and many times the road seems endless.
It always helps so so much to hear from people who have conquered the worst of this illness and come out the other side. Although awful for you. It does help also to hear when it has taken a while to get there as I feel like I am very very slow. Not even snail like , who would seem speedy in comparison with my progress right now!!
Its inspiring to hear of your holiday and the best statement of all is when you say you still have some issues but " forget to think about them"!
Pure joy!!
Thank you. :)
X julia x
hey Vicky thats amazing!!
hey Vicky thats amazing!! thanks for sharing your story, we need encouragement indeed...:)
Can I ask, what were your main symptoms when you started? did you had bladder-gut pain?
Thank you also! I am 3 years
Thank you also! I am 3 years into treatment and still struggling, but overall doing better than when I arrived. Still very frustrated at my lack of progress over the past 2 years, however, so it's nice to read your story as I find myself swirling down this long tube of negativity at times, believing that this is just how it's going to be forever.
May I ask, what do you feel was the most important part of healing for you? Was it the diet? Were you 100% strict the entire 3 years? I find that part to be extremely challenging and at times almost unattainable while having a life outside one's own kitchen (I travel for work wich makes it also tough). But I am doing my absolute best in that area. Or, was it the herbs that finally helped? I find it hard to believe it takes this long for the gut to heal assuming one is sticking to the diet and the herbs....does it really take some of us this long or is there more going on in there? Did you do any additional therapies you feel really helped? I am trying to obey M's rules about no outside treatment (like acupuncture and chiro) but at times I feel like maybe I'm missing out on some other modality that can bring healing.
Anyway, any clues from you as to what was the most helpful would be greatly appreciated! I feel about 70% there but still on list 2 and struggling with inconsistency and my worst symptom, morning burning every day that wakes me and absolutely frustrates me.
Thank you for your post, I hope to have my own someday!
Thanks for posting Vicky!!!
Thanks for posting Vicky!!! It is always good to hear from others that are doing better. I am almost 10 months in, and I am 75% better. I have a bit to go, but I am getting there! ; )
Sorry to hear that some of
Sorry to hear that some of you are still struggling, I hope that my story can inspire you to keep going! Reading other success stories has always been really important for me during treatment, I used to read them over and over just to reassure myself that this would work for me as well. I have/had IBS, endometriosis and urethra burning. My bladder was mostly doing ok but I had continuous urethral burning, this has improved a lot the past 6 months and took the longest to start healing. I know that I will always have to take care of my health and that symptoms will occur from time to time, but compared to when I started treatment, I'm feeling so much better now.
I think it was the combination of both the herbs and diet. I didn't try other therapies. I tried (and still try) to follow the diet as strictly as possible, which is not easy, certainly when you have to travel a lot for work! I know that sugar gives me symptoms... I always checked with Matia what I could try to add into my diet and I often reacted to it at first, but after a while it calmed down. Did you already try to add things from list 3? Do you have bladder burning or urethra burning? The burning is frustrating indeed, I used to have difficulties to fall asleep because of the burning. Now I get it from time to time, but it took a long time to start healing. It is also very important for me to avoid stress, which is not always possible but this is the biggest trigger for me. During treatment I learned gradually to start thinking positive again, it really helps a lot during the healing process... I'm sure that you will also have your own post soon!
Take care,