good news/bad news

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Well, the good news is that it's been so long since I've started a post on here that I forgot how to do it.  Honestly, things have been going quite well.   It's been 2 years for me since I started treatment with Matia and I live a fairly normal life at this point.  I still have my days where things are rough but I want to assure everyone that it really does get better! 


The bad news is that I went in for my yearly pap/pelvic exam last Monday and it sent my bladder symptoms into a flare-ish stage.  I don't want to use the term flare, because I know what a real flare is, and this was more like a flicker than a flare.  Nonetheless, not fun.  My gyn is as awesome as any gyn can be.  Very alternative medicine-minded and open to all that I'm doing with Matia.  But still, I despise going to her. 


Anyway, I got a call today to return the gyn's call about my test results.  They assured me that I shouldn't panic (of course now I'm panicking) but that I should call back asap.  Has anyone dealt with abnormal pap results while having IC?  What do they do next?  Can I just say no?  I just want my "down there" life to be OK!  Argh!!  Of course, I'm jumping the gun, but am looking for any insights from my fellow ICers about their experiences with this sort of thing. 




Samara's picture

I had an abnormal PAP years ago in which HPV showed up. It was not a big deal and I just had it checked every 6 months for a couple of years. My immune system got rid of the HPV(even though Doctors will tell you it's not possible.) Had regular PAPs and everything was fine. Don't worry- usually it is not a big deal- really. 

cprince's picture

Hi Claire! So sorry you are having to deal with this! I haven't had an abnormal pap or had one for a couple years, but wanted to let you know I will be saying extra prayers for you! I am sure everything will be fine and Dr. B will be able to help you through whatever it is. Thinking of you!

researchnerd's picture

Doctors know that your immune system clears HPV most of the time (not sure why Samara experienced this differently--but my gyno is the one who told this to me).  I had HPV show up in treatment, and then it dissapeared.  I did have to do a follow up colposcopy, which was negative.  I wouldn't freak out, but I wouldn't ignore the doctor either.  Also, you might have just scheduled the test too close to your period or whatever.  

Claire's picture

Thanks all.  I just found out the pap was normal but tested positive for hpv, and they want me to do a colposcopy.  Not sure why if hpv can clear on its own.  I may try to put them off for 6 months and test again before having the procedure.
Researchnerd, did you have the coloposcopy while having IC?  Was it OK?  I just don't like messing with my parts and stirring up trouble if I can help it!  It seems like a lot of erring on the side of caution on the part of doctors since HPV is so common.

Mimij67's picture

It has been a while since I had HPV/colposcopy. About 10 years. Did your HPV test show one of the two strains most closely associated with cervical cancer? Maybe that is the only way they test HPV now? In my case, I had some minor -pre-cancerous changes to my cervix so we did colposcopy. Then I guess we did the HPV test (It was just becoming available) and she said I did not test positive for the two more dangerouse HPV strains. So I guess we were doing colposcopy because of the pre-cancerous cells, not because of HPV detection, if that makes sense. So if just HPV and not the "concerning" strains, then can you just watch and wait?
(((Hugs))) Glad you are doing so well in general, sorry for this blip, but hopefully that is all it is ;)

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

researchnerd's picture

ugh, i know.  i did have ic, and was in treatment.  i put off the colpo for 4 months though because i was waiting for my insurance to kick in (i had just recently graduated).  i guess thats why the test then came back negative.  im so symptomatic all the time that things like that dont actually bother me unfortunately (because i feel so crappy at baseline).