Dr. Brizman's Protocol

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I am not a big follower of Joel Osteen, but I saw this quote on Facebook and it made me feel good, so I thought I would share it.



"Every unfair situation, every sickness you’ve had to endure, God is saying, 'That is not the end. It is not over. I still have something amazing in your future."


Checking in with my support system


Hello all. Another long day in my life which has been so strange as of late that it feels as if it is someone else's life. Chronic knee pain that is stuck or moving glacially slowly has become the unfortunate center of my life. I am having to redefine many things- just a little while ago I was an active busy person- who knew how busy- and now it is quite different. 

Checking in with my support system


Hello all. Another long day in my life which has been so strange as of late that it feels as if it is someone else's life. Chronic knee pain that is stuck or moving glacially slowly has become the unfortunate center of my life. I am having to redefine many things- just a little while ago I was an active busy person- who knew how busy- and now it is quite different. 

Newly Diagnosed - Seeking support


Hello. This is my first time on this forum as I was recently diagnosed with IC. This whole process began over 6 years ago when I thought I was getting UTI's monthly. I was away at college and was being treated with cipro at the clinic on campus. After years of "treatment", after I graduated college and came home, I asked my primary doctor to send me to a urologist. There is when I had my cystoscopy/bladder distention. My diagnosis was IC, and a very narrow urethra. The urologist said he would suggest I start coming in every 3 months for a urethral dilation.


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