Patience and Determination

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To all my fellow ICers on their journeys to recovery.  Wherever we are on the journey, whether just starting out, enjoying marked progress or enduring a set back or feeling 'stuck' we all need patience and determination.  I came into work today and found this in my in-box.  It was very fitting and so I thought I would share it with you.  I hope it helps you to keep the faith and to keep going, it's going on my fridge when I get home tonight!!!:

Patience and Determination Combined




When you start a new project or a new task, start with patience as well as determination.  Why?  Because determination combined with patience brings success.

Determination won't let anything get in the way.  Determination keeps you moving forward until you get there.  Determination makes the impossible, possible.

And when you don't see immediate results, patience will help you wait.  You won't get restless, because patience is not in a hurry.  You won't quit because patience understands that things will happen, just at the right time.




selichan's picture

This is really nice. I am going to print and put it on my monitor. I think i have determination but not patience. It's on my list of things to work on this year. Thanks for posting this.

June's picture

Great inspiring note!  Thank you for sharing it.  I need to remember that I'm not the only one suffering with IC and that "patience and determination" will help us all get through it.
Take care!

deir's picture

ahhh patience!! I need some!
xoxoxo Lynette