Right spring water isn't available in my area... is Deer Park ok?

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So I have been unable to find any of the appropriate spring water brands listed on the gentle products guide in my area. I did however just look up the mineral content and ph levels of the brands on the product guide and found that Deer Park, which is the best water available around me, and the water my family has always had anyway, is virtually identical to one of the brands listed as acceptable (Poland Springs).

Has anyone has Deer Park okayed by Dr. B? I'm just going to get it because I don't have any other choice, and don't see why it would be different since the ph and mineral content is exactly the same, but I'm curious.



MinnieMouse's picture

Where do you live Hannah? 

Christine222's picture

Can you find Crystal Springs or Crystal Gyser? She is not very fond of Deer Park and I find I feel worse when drinking it. I only buy it if I can't find anything else. Dr. isn't concerned about the Ph of the water as long as it's spring,as least as far as I know.

Mariposa's picture

Hmmm, so strange. Good to know. From what I was reading on the labels it looked like Poland Springs and Deer Park were practically identical. I may have seen Crystal Springs... not Gyser I don't think.
I live in Maryland. Northwest MD. I have looked in three grocery stores so far. Although I wasn't looking for Crystal Springs... I'll look for that one.

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

Do you have Rite Aid near you?  They usually carry Poland Spring. 
If you do have to get Deer Park, try to avoid the ones bottled in Pennsylvania.  That water may have been contaminated because of fracking.  We buy the Deer Park bottled in Florida for the rest of my family, but I drink Poland Spring.  Rite Aid frequently has the 3 liter bottles of Poland Spring on sale for a dollar here in NC, and the manager there orders tons of boxes - 6 per box- for me so it saves a lot of money. 
In fact, it's a great idea wherever you get your water from to ask the manager if they can order extra for you when it goes on sale.  They want to sell it as much as you want to buy it. :)

cprince's picture

I have recently discovered, of all places the Dollar Tree carries Crystal Gyeser spring water. Anywhere I can save a little I am all for! I don't know if you have Dollar Tree in your area, but thought I would throw it out there! 

Pixie's picture

I live in northern VA, so we seem to be neighbors ! I get Poland Springs from Whole Foods and they also have the 365 water there that Mattia said is okay . I get Deer Park if I'm in a bind too but I think it may flare me a little . 

Mariposa's picture

Thanks so much ladies! I do have a Rite Aid nearby, and I will check at Whole Foods tomorrow.

Mariposa's picture

Thanks so much ladies! I do have a Rite Aid nearby, and I will check at Whole Foods tomorrow.

Mariposa's picture

I found Poland Springs at Rite Aid! THANKS SO MUCH! I bought it in bulk :)

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

That's awesome, Hannah!  I really like the water in the 3 liter bottles.  It tastes fresh to me. :)

MinnieMouse's picture

Cprince, I don't see Crystal Geyser on the water list. I'm assuming Dr B approved this? My dollar tree store also carries it and I'm debating whether I should switch over from arrowhead to save $$. 

cprince's picture

Yes, Dr. B has approved this, their water comes from a natural spring water source. I think that is the most important part that is says natural spring water. Hopefully is works for you! 

MinnieMouse's picture

Thank you :)