A couple of days ago I started to get a red itchy rash under my L arm and it seems to be getting worse. My R athletes foot has also really bad for the past couple of months! I was treating with goldenseal in alcohol, but had to stop because Dr. B thought may be contributing to my pain. As for my armpit, I used to be very sensitive to any deodorant really irritating my skin, but switching to natural products hasn't been as bothersome, but now the itchy red rashy irritated skin is back. I have been using the same deodorant for the past year that has tea tree oil in it, which I think is supposed to help treat yeast issues. I know that you can start having reactions to products if using for extended periods of time. Any thoughts, and/or tips on what to use to sooth the itching? I have tried yogurt for my foot, but not much relief, the coolness feels good, but that's about it then as it dries just makes the itching worse. Also, not easy to place yogurt in your armpit and have it stay for any length of time. Thanks!
it maybe the tea tree oil. I
it maybe the tea tree oil. I had a itchy painful rash when I used a deodorant with this in it. Maybe after all this time you have become sensitive to it. You could try switching and see if it goes away.
Thanks Breis! I was going to
Thanks Breis! I was going to try the deodorant recipe Lisa posted, now I have no excuse to try. I am so tired of itchy skin!
Here is a radical idea. Try using NOTHING for a week. AND DONT WASH there. Just rinse with water!!! Let the natural probiotic flora in your own skin resore itself. When we wash so much, we strip everything away. I am REALLY learning this with acne and oil on my face and hair. The more we use products, the more trapped we are by them. Email me directly so we can talk more about this. I am going to post on it. I HAD to stop my acne products. The best I can do is rinse with water and NOT touch my skin. Washing encourages inflammation, especially when you are sensitive there.
Give your body one or two weeks to re-establish the microflora in your skin!! Try it!! Kids don't wear deoderant! Your diet is totally clean. Leave your skin alone if you can for a bit!
I know you have to work, but try to leave it be. It may take some days for things to balance down there. TRY IT!! :)
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Hi Mimi! That sounds so scary
Hi Mimi! That sounds so scary! I already smell bad, and I am terrified to be smelling even worse! I know this is all good, sweating and getting more toxins out, but man oh man. I so want to try this to see if it works, but how to get past the fear? I have had those days where you are rushing out the door and half way to work realize I forgot to put on deodorant, space brain in full force. Yes, I was the sweaty smelly girl, how embarrassing! The stench has to subside as some point, right?
Hmmm. Let's see. Your skin
Hmmm. Let's see. Your skin thing is kind of cool cause I am thinking it is some very creative die off!
Are we stinky because of the junk we put under our armpits and then the body has to overcompensate when we put nothing there accidentally for one day? What if you stopped your deoderant on a Friday (skipped that one day....) and then you had the weekend to only wash your armpits with water. In fact, leave them alone! Then you would have a three day jump start? I think we smell because our skin flora is disturbed. But there would be an adjustment period.
Because of my flare, I just went from 30 years of face products to COLD TURKEY. Boy, talk about oil and bumps. I hope I can get through this. But at least I dont have to worry about putting questionable stuff on my face. So far it feels freeing. I am expecting a terrible bumpy period! Wish me luck!!
For fun look on youtube. There is a whole movement of people ditching their products completely. There is an adjustment period, and people do different variations on it. There is always a rebalancing period of one or two weeks for stuff like underarms, to 3 months for acne (because of the life cycle of a pimple!). I am scared but bolstered by many of the good stories of people ditching thier acne products and other soaps with very good results.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Thanks Mimi! I am going to
Thanks Mimi! I am going to try this Friday! My brother has actually gone deodorant free, but doesn't necessarily eat clean so he still smells, but hoping this works for me. Keep your fingers crossed, or I guess I could just blame it on my patients. So mean, I would/could never do such a thing! Haha!
Keep me posted! I have been
Keep me posted! I have been deoderant free for a week, and I have a tiny bit of a "me" smell, but I don't think it is too bad. The kids have not said anything (hubby out of town). i am going to keep it up. Supposedly it can take a few weeks to normalize. I need to find a razor without that weird strip on it, and I plan to shave with jojoba oil.
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
I use Matia's olive oil soap
I use Matia's olive oil soap for shaving. It gives a nice lather and softness too.
Hi everyone,
Hi everyone,
Would someone mind re-posting Lisa's deodorant recipe? My store-bought natural deodorant isn't working so well and I'd like to try something DIY. Thanks!
I tried posting this already
I tried posting this already but I don't see it, so I'm posting again...
Would someone mind re-posting Lisa's deodorant recipe again? I'm not loving my natural deodorant and am willing to try some DIY. Thanks!
Whoops. Just saw my comment
Whoops. Just saw my comment and your response. Thanks!
I never use deodorant, and I
I never use deodorant, and I don't smell, seriously. The more deodorant you use, the more you will smell. That is my theory.
I think I am on day 10 of no
I think I am on day 10 of no deoderant. Smelling pretty normal???
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.
Update, went 5 days without
Update, went 5 days without deodorant. Lets just say, I smelled awful and just couldn't do it any longer. Too difficult when working so closely with others and have to do a lot of transfers where patients heads are usually resting on my shoulder. I switched to lafe's deodorant. So far, less irritation, still not perfect, but better.
Glad you found somthing!
Glad you found somthing!
If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.