Possible Pink Eye

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Good Morning Ladies!

I hope all are doing well today.  My bladder/urethra is doing quite well but I have awoken with a pink eye!  It is not pussy or mucousy but it feels agitated and very sensitive to light.  I would just let it pass BUT I am getting married on Saturday and must not have a sad puffy red eye.  Have any of you had pink eye symptoms creep up during treatment?  I have emailed Dr. B - did she give any of you advice on it?  I'm taking Cod Liver Oil already which is supposed to be good for the eyes so I'm wondering if it is die off (just poorly timed).


Thank you!! Alishia

Mimij67's picture

Yes she will have advice. Do not take antibiotic cream as it will effect you systemically! Congrats on your wedding!!!
There is a TCM eyewash-chrysanthemum I think. But i would wait to see what she says. Remember that whatever she prescribes will probably take several days so try to be patient!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

AlishiaM's picture

I did have pink eye in this eye twice when I was in high school - and i had an episode of the eyeleaking a few months ago lol... Praying it clears up!  I'll let you guys know what Dr. B says for future reference.  Thanks for the support!!

deir's picture

Any chance you have a nursing mom friend? I know this sounds weird but breastmilk is great for pink eye. Maybe raw cow's milk would be good too?
I hope it clears up in time for the wedding!!!!! COngrats!

AlishiaM's picture

Well turns out I have a dumb little corneal ulcer. Went to the eye doctor hut to confirm pink eye and apparently its like an ulceration instead. Worst of all - he wanted to give me cipro!! It was like my worst nightmare repeating SO Brizman said to try a diluted mixture of probiotics in my eye and to take some goldenseal. It really doesn't look or feel that terrible - just hoping it doesn't get worse! I'm sure it was from sweeping out a barn this weekend and then sleeping in my contacts - which are extended wear.... I wish I knew someone who is breastfeeding cause I have heard that too! I hate having to decide between western medicine and this treatment - it's so difficult and no one can give us the right answers BUT my eyeball would literally have to be falling out of my head before I would take a round of cipro the week of my wedding! Insane!

AlishiaM's picture

Just not hut lol there is no eye doctor hut

cprince's picture

Congrats on the up coming wedding!:) I had awful drainage from eyes, could barely keep my eyes open 6 months into ttreatment and Dr. B also told me to do a very diluted solution of pros in my eye. Hope it helps. Yes, I agree very frustrsting and confusing to decide what is best to do, especially when you have a very special event approaching! Best wishes!

Mimij67's picture

You know u are not taking Cipro for this. Cipro is for when you are on your death bed  and u r on your marriage bed! LOL! Mega really helped when I had a sty. I hope it helps u. It took a few days to help. Good luck!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

AlishiaM's picture

Thank you all!! Everyone at work says it looks a little better this morning so I am going to hope we're on the upswing with no antibiotics!  Also my bladder is holding up with the goldenseal ok - something I was worried about so that is a plus... Thanks!!

Mimij67's picture

Great! Goldenseal is not a regular part of my protocol. But I use it sometimes for specific things and it is AMAZING when I do, and does not bother my bladder at all. 

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.