What is life?

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Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it – John Maxwell


I love this quote by John Maxwell!  It is absolutely true. 


IC is a terrible thing that has happened to us, but how we react to it is what really makes us who we are.  We’ve taken a giant leap forward in trusting that our bodies can heal when we do the hard work required. 


Our character is built every time we choose to be patient with this process, every time we say “NO” to cheating on the diet, every time we show love to our family in spite of how bad we may feel sometimes, every time we show compassion to one another on the ICAMA, and every time we choose to be courageous and keep going when fear threatens to overtake us.


It can be so tempting to despair about having IC because of all the limitations that accompany it.  But even though we can’t control the fact that we have IC, and to some extent we can’t control the ups and downs of treatment, we CAN control how we respond to all of it.  We can choose to be grateful that we have access Dr. B’s treatment, we can choose let the process mold us into more compassionate human beings, we can start to rely on God instead of just ourselves.


What an incredible opportunity we have to allow this journey to make us better people, and it really boils down to the choices we make in response to our circumstances.


Love to all!


Anneke's picture

So so true, thank you

Lelibre50's picture

Thank you Lisa for sharing this.

livandlex's picture

Spoken beautifully - so true. Thank you for sharing. Claire :)

cprince's picture

Thanks Lisa! Beautiful, nothing but love and gratitude for everyone on this site and amazing Dr. B!

deir's picture

Thanks Lisa!  This is an ever challenging process but i have a deep gratitude because I know that I am growing as a human being because of it.

Mariposa's picture

Awesome and so true. Thanks for your perspective Lisa. I posted this on another post recently but what you said just reminded me of something I just read in Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. I don't have the book in front of me so the quote will not be word for word but essentially he says that no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in, the last of the human freedoms always remains intact, and that is our freedom to choose how we will react and respond to our circumstances.
Love and health

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

I am definitely going to read the Viktor Frankl book!

amybarbara's picture

Lisa... Thank you for posting this! Going through a lot of pain again & it is good to be reminded that I need to stay positive & strong & fighting everyday. We will see the sunshine through the clouds soon! 

Rachel Ann's picture
Rachel Ann

So sorry you are in a lot of pain, Amy.  I'm dealing with a lot of pain tonight too, but not my bladder.  Just had some dental work done, and my tooth is throbbing.  We will both get through this!  Sending loving thoughts your way!

Juliesummerstar's picture

Thank you Lisa! Yes I believe this.
Love and light,

DLFox123's picture

Hey - would someone PLEASE blog somehing new under this spiritual category.  No offense but I've been looking at this 8/13 dormant log for six months now and am flipping sick of it.  It is after mid-night on the west coast and I've no inspiration left in my day.  Thus,a challenge to some night owl or early riser.....off to bed.