How long for yeast/bv to go away?

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Woke up yesterday to what I think is a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Emailed dr b and she told me to increase goldenseal and put plain yogurt into my vagina 2-3x daily. I feel like I have increased pain with the yeast/bv symptoms. I asked dr b if i should go to the gyno and figure out for sure whether it was yeast or bv...she didnt respond to that question in my email so I'm assuming it doesnt matter whether its yeast or bv she would treat them both the same. Has anyone had a yeast infection or bv during treatment? Is there an explanation as to why I got this? What did you do to get rid of it and how long did it take? I feel like I have increased pain ever since i have been feeling the yeast/bv symptoms. Thanks in advance. 

cprince's picture

Hello star gazer, I am the queen of the yeast. Yuck! I don't think it matters what the diagnosis is she probably will treat it the same. From my understanding it is just a glorious part of die off and with the increase in pain going through a healing crisis. She always tells me to "use as much yogurt as you need as often as you need. You can't OD on yogurt!" It varies from person to person and even each time I get the awful yeast infection symptoms it varies in length. If it doesn't start to lessen in intensity in a few days of doing the yogurt and goldenseal I would let her know. There are other things to try, but I have stuck with the yogurt. Hope you find relief soon!

Star gazer's picture
Star gazer

Thanks cprince.