I´m loosing it!

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Hi everybody and Merry Christmas to all of you.

A few weeks ago I told you about my impetigo (staph infection on the skin). Well I treated it with all the stuff Dr. M. told me too but nothing really helped to clear it up. So I tried an antibacterial ointment over the counter which I didn´t think would help but it actually cleared it up ALMOST. It was nearly gone and I kept applying it but after a while I decided to go back to tea tree oil bc the ointment had a very chemical smell. Well the infection started to come back slowly. I applied the ointment again, but this time it didn´t work anymore. The itching got worse again. Yesterday I went to my dermatologist and he gave me an antibiotic ointment. Dr. M. I should do what seems to be the right thing. Well, the infection got worse even with the antibiotic. So today I went back to the dermatologist and he prescribed a different antibiotic ointment with chloramphenicol which I read is hardly ever used nowadays bc the side effects can be so bad, even cause leucemia or anemia which can lead to death. My friend is a vet and she said they don´t even prescribe it to the animals anymore. The worst is, it doesn´t even seem to work!!! It keeps itching and it´s bigger than in the morning! And most of the clinics are closed until beginning of next year. I´m so scared. I´m also scared that if I go to the hospital they will prescribe me a very strong antibiotic which I have to take orally. My IC symptoms started after a 5-day course of strong antibiotics. Has anybody ever had a staph infection on the skin and had a hard time getting rid of it? I really don´t know what to do anymore.

Christina1's picture

Hi Annika I just said a prayer for relief from this infection for you and will continue to do so. I am so sorry you are dealing with this and also the "Fear of the Dreaded Antibiotic" prescription that I totally have panic attacks about as well, so you are not alone. If the topical treatments are not working has Matia mentioned you taking her natural antibiotic protocol to see if the helps and allow you to avoid any of the Evil prescribed versions? Maybe email her and get her thoughts on that option since you are at your wits end. I use the sovereign silver natural antibiotic gel for acne and my itchy hive type random things I have gotten for years and it helps me after a couple applicatons much better than what the regular docs said to use which was hydrocortisone cream, that made me worse. Maybe try that gel and ask dr. M about the natural oral antibiotics as well, it might help. Can I ask how you got staph? That is pretty tough stuff. Did you have an injury or cut? I am thinking of you and know you will get past this bump in the road and get back to health soon!

cprince's picture

Annika, I'm so sorry! I know you scared about the antibiotics, but staph infections are not something you want to mess around with. Yes, it is scary, but if that infection gets into your blood or bone it is going to get scary. IC sucks, but your talking about your life and your leg. You have made great progress and even if you take antibiotics it doesn't mean you have failed or you will get worse, and if you do you will get back to feeling better. Yes, ask Dr. M her options, but think wisely about this. Sending many hugs and prayers for quick healing!!!

deir's picture

Annika- Sending you prayers and strength!!! So hard when you have to make these decisions. I wish i had soem advice but wanted you to know I am thinking of you

Annika's picture

Hey Girls, thanks so much for your encouraging words and advice. Me and Dr. M. have been trying to clear this infection since more than two months now. We tried everything I guess, the herbal antibiotics, silver sovereign gel, liquid goldenseal, tea tree oil. I kept it clean, changed my beddings frequently, but nothing seemed to help. That's why I started using the topical antibiotics which I wanted to avoid so badly. Luckily today it already looks a bit better than yesterday. So I'll keep applying the evil stuff. I think I got the impetigo from one of our cats . I remember I hit myself on something, so there was a small wound at first and then the bacteria must have entered easily when one of my cats was sleeping in my bed.

Unfortunately my boyfriend gave the stomach flu to me and I've been vomiting my guts out during Christmas Eve. I even passed out in the bathroom. Feeling much better physically and emotionally today. Looks like I'm getting better again.

deir's picture

Oh geez- A stomach flu too? Well- it sounds like things are turning around. I hope they continue to do so!

cathy's picture

Glad to hear you are feeling better